[@Kidd][@Mr Rage][@Amelian Draco][@The Kraken] Hey guys! Just wanted to let you all know (I've already talked to a few of you) But my schedule this next week or two will be rather random/I probably wont be able to post and respond nearly as quickly. I am still totally committed to the rp though; just wanted everyone to be well aware there might be a slight "lull" in posts from my end for a brief ammount of time. I also wanted to briefly mention something Rage (Who I am super glad is still with us) touched on in one of his recent posts that I had not covered. The zombie type known as "Scabs" have completely impenetrable skin-but you can still smash/scramble their brains within their protective shell. This is much harder to do with a gun (which would at best crack the skull, the force of impact being largley deflected by bone and "Armored skin") But with enough blunt force (smashing a motherfucker repeatedly in the eye socket with a hammer/putting someone face first in a trash compactor) is more then enough to put them down-the actual physical trauma occuring within their body (likewise you can break their legs, arms, ect)