Well, here are the bare bones. Gonna have to swing back around for the meatier bits... [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/d92T4jd.jpg?1[/img][/center] [color=f7941d][b]Screen Name:[/b][/color] Eddie Brock [color=f7941d][b]Character you wish to play:[/b][/color] Cerrina Tovar, Jedi Shadow [color=f7941d][b]Race:[/b][/color] Mirialan [color=f7941d][b]Faction:[/b][/color] The Jedi Order [color=f7941d][b]Background:[/b][/color] Cerrina Tovar's obsession with ancient relics began at an early age. On her homeworld of Brentaal IV, Cerrina's father ran a small shop for antiques and curios. Among his wares he boasted jewel-encrusted silverware taken from Alderaan before its destruction, an energy cell allegedly salvaged from an ancient lightsaber, and the fang of a long-dead Krayt dragon. Cerrina spent much of her childhood wandering the cramped aisles of the shop, inspecting all the old and mysterious objects within. Though she knew little and less of what they all were, she nonetheless found herself fascinated by each and every one of them. She felt similarly about the variety of customers whose needs the shop served. Often, she would sit behind the counter and silently watch her father interact with them. The customers never paid much mind to the girl behind the counter... save for one. It had been like any other day when the Zabrak came in. His face was kind, though scratched and scarred like a cliff face that had been exposed to the rushing wind. It gave him the appearance of someone much older than he was and spoke of countless tales of adventures untold. Cerrina watched the Zabrak from afar, noting his peculiar attire. As he approached the counter, his silvery eyes fell upon the young girl and held there for a moment. Cerrina had never felt so exposed. She was grateful when the man turned his attention away to her father. She became troubled, though, when the two men started speaking in an unfamiliar tongue. After a time, Cerrina's father introduced her to the man. His name was Uldir Saar. Saar explained that Cerrina's father had told him about recent strange occurrences involving Cerrina. Objects moving seemingly of their own accord, odd dreams that felt more like memories, waves of emotion that the girl could never pinpoint nor explain. That was when Saar spoke of the Force. He told Cerrina that the Force was very strong with her, strong in a way that not many people got to feel. He was a Jedi Knight, he explained, and if Cerrina wanted, he could teach her to deepen that connection to the Force. It would mean leaving her home and going to study at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, but it was an opportunity not afforded to most, he assured her. Saar gave Cerrina and her family a few days to talk about it. Eventually, they all came to the conclusion that if Cerrina had been given a gift, then it would be a mistake not to pursue it. So Cerrina went with Master Saar to Coruscant and began her instruction in the way of the Jedi. Throughout her time as a padawan learner, Cerrina would ask Master Saar about his responsibilities within the Order, but he always evaded her. It wasn't until Cerrina was officially knighted that Saar told her about the Order's Shadow branch. Acting as operatives in the name of the Order, Jedi Shadows were tasked with seeking out focal points of Dark Side energy -- be they artifacts, temples, or ruins -- and cleansing them. They were not the face of the Jedi Order; rather, they were the gatekeepers who protected the galaxy from the threat of the Dark Side. It was a thankless task that required the utmost commitment to the ideals of the Order, and it was, Master Saar professed, a perfect fit for Cerrina. Under his recommendation, she agreed to train to become a Jedi Shadow. Now, Cerrina travels the galaxy on her personal ship, [i]Mistdancer[/i]. She is accompanied by a civilian pilot, Jaxtur Kol, whose underground ties allow Cerrina access to people and places normally unavailable to a Jedi. He's also one of the few pilots sympathetic to the Republic who wouldn't bat an eye at Cerrina's dangerous and mysterious quests. Cerrina is also attended to by one of the Order's protocol droids, DT-4KO, an overly nurturing sort who acts to make sure Cerrina is taking care of herself. Quietly, the three act as the front-line against the encroachment of the Dark Side. [color=f7941d][b]Character Class:[/b][/color] Force Sensitive (Jedi) [color=f7941d][b]Items:[/b][/color] As a member of the Jedi Order -- and particularly as a Shadow -- Cerrina has little use for material possessions. However, the one item she would never be caught dead without is her handcrafted, amber-bladed saberstaff. Otherwise, she maintains several small tools on her utility belt, including but not limited to: food capsules, a small hook attached to a length of fibercord, a compact aquata breather, short-range commlink, and an emergency beacon transceiver. [color=f7941d][b]Character Personality:[/b][/color] One could be forgiven for spending time around Cerrina Tovar and never suspecting her Jedi heritage. The young woman is quiet, guarded, distant. She tells herself that it's an artifact of her calling; when one spends so much time skirting the edges of the Dark Side, it is necessary -- [i]vital[/i] -- to build barriers around one's emotions. However, more and more Cerrina begins to wonder if the job made her this way... or if her being this way got her the job. As such, she is wracked with doubt about herself. Even she is hesitant to call herself a Jedi, feeling as though she's little more than a pale reflection of what the great Order strives to be when compared to her more traditional peers. Cerrina's job necessitates a certain degree of solitude, which suits her fine most of the time, though even a Jedi can be lonely. Even still, opening up to others has never been her strong suit, so friends are few and far between. [color=f7941d][b]Character Alignment:[/b][/color] Light Side [color=f7941d][b]Sample Post:[/b][/color]