[center][hr][hr][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Alexis%20Fulgham&name=Redressed.ttf&size=75&style_color=577FF0[/img][hr][hr][img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mavqkhVCV21rsxhev.gif[/img] [b][u]Time:[/u][/b] 10:15 - 10:55 A.M. [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Lakeside. [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] Everyone at Lakeside.[hr]She eyed Esme as she was the first one to appear. Lexi unfolded her arms and offered the female a wave then hugged her as she came up closer to her. [color=577ff0][b]"Hey, girl! How was your weekend?"[/b][/color] Lexi offered while looking up at seeing Jacen make his way. [color=577ff0][b]"Oh, crap."[/b][/color] She muttered for only Esme to hear as when he came over, he completely ignored her. With a scoff and eye roll, she folded her arms back over her chest and looked off to the side, away from Jacen. Two can play the ignoring game but she really wanted to know how he had been. Lexi faked jumped when Ely was now present and said boo. She snickered lightly when she called Jacen an ass and offered her a hug along with a smile. [color=577ff0][b]"Next time, please leave a note or something. Had me worried about you."[/b][/color] She gave Ely another hug then broke it off shortly, looking towards Jacen then at Erin when she made her presence felt with a statement. [color=577ff0][b]"Hey Erin."[/b][/color] Lexi said with a small wave and pursued lips then her ears twitched as Otis came up and called them nerds. She gave him a slight head nod, signaling as a hello. When Grant sort of announced his arrival, his only attention was on Erin. Lexi looked at everyone then back at the two. Lexi raised up her hand and waved then spoke. [color=577ff0][b]"Uhm, we're doing fine, Grant. Thanks for asking."[/b][/color] She muttered while rolling her eyes at the duo now. It wasn't that she disliked them but Jacen ignoring her was really steaming her inside. She wanted to talk to him but didn't want to cause a scene in front of everyone. She wanted to talk about the good old days but then again, yeah, we all know how that would turn out. With a slight sigh, she looked at Jacen when he finally spoke towards her. She thought about ignoring him back but without a second thought she spoke. [color=577ff0][b]"How could you have not seen me with all this purple on? I look like fucking Barney and you didn't see me?! Go to hell, Jacen."[/b][/color] She snapped as she had let his ignorance get to her. Damn it, it did get to her. [color=577ff0][b]"By the way, I slept well and I am doing fine. Other than burning your pictures, I did nothing else fun yesterday."[/b][/color] She remarked but of course lying to hurt his feelings a little bit. Lexi sighed again then looked as Manky and Seamus came up to the group now. [color=577ff0][b]"Hello, you two."[/b][/color] She said as now the whole gang was here and finally, too. She had an announcement to make and knew that her friends were going to love it. When Ely gripped her hand, she looked at her. [color=577ff0][b]"You okay, sweetheart?"[/b][/color] She muttered while looking down at her then back at the group. [color=577ff0][b]"Okay, guys, my parents are going away for the break and I'll be home alone so..."[/b][/color] She looked at their faces then made her announcement. [color=577ff0][b]"I am thinking about throwing a bash! Hm, thinking Black Light Party or Beach Wear? Or both?!"[/b][/color] She tapped her chin with her index finger then looked at everyone. [color=577ff0][b]"What do you guys think? Hm?"[/b][/color] She bit her bottom lip a little nervously as she awaited to see everyone's reaction. [color=577ff0][b]"By the way, either of you break my mother's vase again, I am not covering for you this time. Got it?"[/b][/color][/center]