[hider=Mikhail Rothingham][b]Name:[/b] Mikhail Rothingham [b]Age:[/b] 25 [hider=Physical Description:] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/99/fe/af/99feaff81c92a7aa1e9a42ff64ce2b18.jpg[/img] Like the hooded-order of The Enclave, those who forfeit their studies continue to don the dark-green robes of leather and dyed-wool. The scholar's robes are lightweight, sturdy and allowed for maximum flexibility (carrying arcane tomes and heavy textbooks in plate armor would be silly.) Mikhail's dark brown hair has grayed early aging him considerably, but his warm green eyes portrayed a burdened friendliness. The rest of his features were angular - he had a thin, pointed nose and sharp jaw. His skin was as pale as alabaster, due to years of being cooped up indoors, candlelight and the occasional conjurer's fireball being the only source of light by which to read. The hood Mikhail wears shows signs of wear and tear, a parting-gift from the Enclave. The enclave robes conceal his underfed build somewhat and make him appear wider than he is. The only personal belonging he carries, besides the morningstar, is a small leather satchel attached to his belt, where he keeps many miniature glass vials, each with a cork stopper. Mikhail, although under no obligation to further his studies into the supernatural beasts whose bones and hides were sent to The Enclave, continues his academic mission. Although Mikhail's posture is impeccable while standing, he slouches heavily whenever he sits. [i]Height:[/i] 5"10 [i]Weight:[/i] 135 lbs [/hider] [b]Birthplace:[/b] SCION, Scion Prime (The Enclave) [b]Stamina:[/b] 6/6 [hider=Armor & Weapon] [b]Armor:[/b] Leather and wool robes and hood, dark green. Offers some protection against the elements. [img]http://i.imgur.com/uliqWnz.png[/img] [b]Weapon:[/b] "Nightstar" a morningstar-type mace, used to poke enemies full of holes and force them to bleed out. The morningstar has some weight to it and is not as graceful of a weapon as a sword. [img]http://darksouls.wdfiles.com/local--files/hammers/morning-star-onhand.jpg[/img] [b]Magic:[/b] Has never tried using magic, more interested in magic as a field of study rather than combat. [/hider] [b]Personality: [/b] Dangerously curious, and always pursuing new knowledge. That being said, he is not a bookworm, and is not a fan of reading dusty, ancient books. He would much rather learn through direct experience and experimentation. Even his choice of weapon, the spiked-mace, is meant to shed any secrets his enemies might be hiding. Mikhail hopes that by studying the various fluids held within the beasts, he can better understand their weaknesses. Most get along with Mikhail fine enough, as he is hard-headed, but mostly approachable. Mikhail functions best when those on his team are working as a cohesive unit. [b]History:[/b] [i]Mikhail has very little history of which to write. Bound in servitude to The Enclave, since his youth, Mikhail has only recently taken charge of his destiny. [/i] He was abandoned on the doorstep of the monastic order of healers and historians known as the Enclave. Shortly after being born, his impoverished family offered Mikhail to The Enclave, a common custom among the poorest of Scion. After 25 years in the order, Mikhail has recently quit The Enclave and found himself caught up in the affairs of the ICC's study on Magic. [hider=EXTRAS][EXTRAS:] [i]-Tiny Glass Vials:[/i] Empty and unfulfilled, these glass vials are enclosed with cork and could, theoretically, be used to study the supernatural beasts plaguing the land. [b]Motivation:[/b] Knowledge and an escape from his past. [b]Significant Relations: [/b] [u][b]1. Plianus the Elder, [i]Elder of The Enclave[/i][/b][/u] A stoic historian in his late 80s. Signed the termination papers for Mikhail's departure from The Enclave. An ornery, but wise old man who can trace his lineage back to the original 2 families that laid the foundation for what would become The Enclave. Enjoys writing strongly-worded letters to his dissidents. Old age hasn't slowed him down one bit and his wit is sharper than steel. [b][u]2. Mammonodes, [i]Financial-Adviser to ICC.[/i][/u][/b] Mammonodes is a 60-something year old finance-whiz who left Scion Prime to become an adviser to the ICC. Instantly recognized for his aptitude in mathematics and trade, even in adolescence, he was groomed to be adept in all matters of Economics and eventually rose to the rank of Magister. Magisters are essentially the department-heads of various fields of study within The Enclave. Mammonodes has traveled the world extensively, studying the various systems of trade, barter and mercantilism throughout the realms of man. Mammonodes is one of the Elder's most trusted Magisters, and Plianus genuinely wishes the ICC would utilize the vast knowledge that Mammonodes holds for the benefit of both The Enclave and the ICC. [b][u]3. Vladimir, 25, [i]Prin-Magister of Leeching.[/i][/u][/b] After quitting the order, Mikhail was fortunate that his friendship with the Prin-Magister survived and the two still maintain contact via pigeon. During their studies, the two felt a deep brotherly bond and often daydreamed of what it would be like to be a knight. Vlad is being groomed to take the chair on the council of adepts known as Magisters. Adepts who are scheduled to graduate to the position of Magister are known as Prin-Magisters. The current [i]Magister of Leeching[/i] is dying of old age and Vladimir is to be his replacement when he passes. [/hider] [/hider]