[@kishin asura][@Wraithblade6] The robot's clasp remains tight, but Asura's kick does dent in its mechanical frame. "I will not let go, not until you're head it crushed..." It beeps out, enraged. It was not going to let go, unless it was destroyed, or its arms were torn off. ------ Surprisingly, Maka gets the drop on Mithias, knowing the ruins far better than he. She leaps down, a blade, a large knife at the ready, landing on his shoulders, blade pressed to his throat. Her clothing is in tatters, and she looks..rough, to say the least. "Who are you, what's that weird robot attacking Asura? Are you allied with it?" She asks, knife to Mithias's throat. She sounds scared, and angry. Like, in a way, an animal, driven to a fearful move.