[center][img]https://49.media.tumblr.com/3edfabacec1e81ab055852e8ac643dce/tumblr_o1l9dwtomG1tm81zho2_400.gif[/img] [h3][s]Oliver[/s] Yorick[/h3] [i]A sign that reads vacant and a truth that's so strong I'd be a fool not to chase it. But yeah, I'm a fool, and I stay here.[/i][hr][/center] [b]Age[/b]: Twenty-five [b]Mutation[/b]: Amorphous Physiology: enhanced durability, inhuman flexibility, excuse to sing "Ain't no strings on me"; Regenerative Healing; Naturally Curly Hair [b]Face Claim[/b]: Kit Harington