[@Bigg Slamm] "You know Ralts?" Marie started to say while somewhat out of breath. Ralts looked up in the girl's arms and gave her a questioning look. "When I said you'd protect me. . . Well, I don't know what it is with us and swarms." Yes, again the pair seems to have been in a predicament. Instead of Beedrill, however, it was a swarm of Combee. Really, she had just wanted to try out one of her new pokeballs on something simple. What else could work out so well but a weak Combee? The thing she didn't consider was the swarm of the small Bug-Type Pokemon. She tried her damnedest to hide where she could away from the small pack. Somehow, it worked out. . . That is, until one showed up. The first thing she noticed was the small little dot on the top of the bottom face. "Doesn't that mean that's a female? Maybe it leads the others?" She wasn't the smartest about all the pokemon in the world, however, she was at the least knowledgeable of the local ones. "Maybe if we can take that one out they'll stop chasing us." It was at the least a strategy. Ralts agreed with the thought however and jumped out of Marie's arms before using Confusion on the female Combee. The Bee Pokemon was starting to call the others when it got hit by the attack. If nothing else, the opposing Pokemon seemed dazed. "That worked! Try again!" Ralts agreed and sent off it's second attack. It visablly affected the yellow pokemon as it started stuttering it's wing flaps. . . before crashing into a nearby tree. "Good work, Ralts!" Marie cheered with Ralts. Thinking about her original objective, she took out one of the Pokeballs Viola gave her. "Well, might as well try it. Right, Ralts?" The Green-White pokemon nodded as its attentions went to the Combee. Marie smiled and threw a pokeball. The device hit and sucked the Combee up as red light. It hit the ground and started mildly shaking before acting up a bit before making a [i]ca-ching[/i] sound. "Awesome!" The delivery girl exclaimed running to the ball and picking it up. "Look, Ralts! We did it!" It was exhilerating, the feel of a first catch. She just imitated what she saw Viola do in the past by chance. Even so, it was something to put on the back-burner right now. The two needed to get away from the rest of the swarm. Luckily, they were audible enough and the trainer and pokemon tip-toed away. Soon, Marie found herself away from the swarm and by a fountain. "I think we made enough distance for now." Marie muttered out, feeling relieved. The emotion transfered to Ralts and calmed the pokemon down. "Let's sit for a moment." Marie sat and found herself by some guy with a. . . Well, admittedly she didn't know what it was. It looked like a rock at the least. The other was a Chespin. She was sure of that. "It was some T.V. show I think." The girl muttered. Still, she was curious now. "Hey-o. What's up?" She questioned. "Can I ask what kind of Pokemon that is?" Marie pointed towards Golett as she asked.