[@otomosthecrazy] Sheogorath turned to see what he recognized as a 'party pooper' trying to keep him from summoning the deadric. "Aw! Ya Party pooper! I'm just trying to summon the deadric! Now those guys know how to party!" Sheogorath said with a smile as he turned to look at Claire. "They won't kill anyone! Atleast I hope not, if they start killing I'll be sure to stop them!" Sheogorath said before casting another spell only to summon what seemed to be a very small troll no bigger than a hand. The odd thing was that the troll was made of sweet roll. "Oy! I do think ya have more important things than me to worry about though. Somethin to do with a new problem!" Sheogorath stated being very cryptic with his warnings once again. "Though I would be worried about them she demons, those things are nasty! Last time I had to deal with one she ripped my stomach out and fed it to the goats!" Sheogorath stated remembering his time in Tamriel. [@Rechonq] Cia smiled at Landon, she hugged him harder now before sitting back down. "I guess I'm gonna need some more time to recover, huh?" Cia said with a smile. "I guess the lot of you went and created your own races huh? I started to watch from inside the healing realm after awhile. I kind of know what is going on. I guess Rhona isn't back yet though is she?" Cia said remebering Rhona now. "That poor girl is going to need to wake up sooner or later." Cia said though there was a bit of spite in her words. She still felt jealous of Rhona, and that jealousy had grown within the healing realm it seems. At this point messages were sent out reguarding the upcoming trial. There was also a voting ballet on it as well allowing them to vote on what would be the consequences.