As what can be described as "Night" falls over Ireland, Xoxi lies under a very makeshift tent, facing the moon. The only white object in the sky. [color=662d91]"Mom, I swear if you're hearing this, give me a sign or something."[/color] While talking, Xoxi hears a small rustle in her bag. Looking over reveals a small white mouse, attempting to take some food harvested from Dej farms. Only a small bit, nothing so major worth slaying the innocent mouse over. Suddenly, gears in Xoxi's head start turning, as the mouse scurries up to her foot. [color=662d91]"...the Dej didn't land here. They were made out of thin air... which could mean divine intervention."[/color] Xoxi's mind raced, with both different explanations of how the different races came to be, and the godly powers used to create these races if anything. [color=662d91]"... could... I make something like this?"[/color] Xoxi attempted to gather a small idea of a race using the tiny mouse by her foot as a basis. This race would be small, and know basic human knowledge. They'd be persuasive and stealthy, while also frail. As this was being thought of, in front of Xoxi, a small purple light emanated. The race would be able to adapt very hastily to harsh environments, and mainly be a peaceful race. When Xoxi was finished with an idea, a small, brown, male Myceling appeared in front of her. The Original Myceling. He was named Gyro, and was the first one of his kind. [u][b] =•-Meanwhile-•=[/b][/u] Ratatoskr sits in the sky, watching over everything, making sure that everything is going accordingly to his idea of "good". [color=8dc73f]"Everything seems all fine and dandy in the world. I should be fine kicking back for a few ye-oh?"[/color] As Ratatoskr started to finish his sentence, he saw a small speck of life appear on the coast of Ireland. The speck indicated that a new race was created, something that shouldn't happen at all, considering that all gods pretty much had their own race at this point, and each one arguably doing completely fine off, except for the recent conflicts regarding the Dragon. [color=8dc73f]"What? How is this even happening? There aren't any more gods that can make races, and even in that color!"[/color] The way he saw the speck was more like a globe, with a race appearing in a God's specific color. This race did not match the color of any other gods with races already. [color=8dc73f]"No... okay this needs some investigatin', and who else to do it but..."[/color] Ratatoskr pointed at himself boastfully. [color=8dc73f]"...this handsome squirrelly fellow right here!"[/color] Ratatoskr opened a small portal to the coast of Ireland, and left in pursuit of who made the new race.