"Mom, are you sure this is going to work?" "I don't think this is going to work..." "This isn't going to work." Frisk stared at herself in the mirror. Toriel beamed at the human's reflection, but all Frisk could do was sigh. "Sans is never gonna go for this." "Hush." Toriel smiled and poked Frisk's nose. "You look lovely, dear. Have a little confidence in yourself." She ran her paws through Frisk's hair, gently fluffing it up. She had trimmed it a little, and shaped the bangs so they fell to the side rather than flat in front of the girl's face. Now, her hair framed her face nicely. Toriel reached into a drawer and pulled out a bow with a barrette on the back. It was a mix of purple and blue in color, with a heart stitched around the center. She brushed part of Frisk's hair to the side and clipped the bow in. It sparkled in her hair, complimented nicely by the natural brown tones. "How does that scarf fit, Frisk?" "Really nicely." Frisk smiled as she felt the new accessory around her neck. As was expected, it was also purple and blue, the colors swirling together. It rested elegantly against her chest and shoulders, fitting perfectly. Like many of her other clothing, Toriel had knitted it for her. But it was clear that the queen had meant it as something nice for Frisk to have, something to make her feel dolled up without worrying about a fancy outfit. Frisk had changed into another sweater that fit her a little more snugly. This one was a plain lightly blue color, with a beautifully stitched heart placed right over her actual one was. Tori's skills were very impressive, but Frisk had already known that. Frisk had mentioned make-up before, if the queen had any. What a fur-covered goat would do with make-up, Frisk wasn't sure. But it didn't hurt to ask. Toriel had only shook her head with a tsk. Even if such luxuries were available, Frisk didn't need anything like it, she had said. The young woman was naturally gorgeous. Chemicals and unnatural colors would only hinder her appearance. Frisk had tried to argue. Compared to other humans she had seen on television, she was rather plain. Of course, that only led to Toriel shushing her firmly. Truthfully, Toriel's advice was as motherly as one could get. The changes she made were so subtle, not meant to transform or overpower anything Frisk already had. It was only to draw more attention the human's way, make the eye appreciate her like it should. Now, Frisk was brushing her fingers through her bangs. She didn't want to mess them up, but couldn't help playing with them out of nervousness. She opened her mouth to say something, but was effectively cut off by Sans' sudden voice. "Oh, he's here!" Toriel looked towards the hall, then quickly brought her attention back to Frisk. "Let's,not make him wait, my child!" She patted Frisk's shoulder reassuringly. Meanwhile, Frisk felt like she was going to throw up. Her heart was racing so fast she thought it was going to burst. A cold chill ran through her body, freezing her to her seat before Toriel took her hand and guided her to stand. She could only imagine what sort of reaction Sans would have. Maybe he wouldn't have any...Maybe he wouldn't notice. Toriel planted a soft kiss atop Frisk's head, then gently nudged her out the door. "H-Hey, Sans! I didn't think you'd be back so soon." Frisk gave him a shaky smile as she appeared from the hall behind him. "Hear anything good from Alphys?" She fidgeted with her hands, trying not to chew on her bottom lip as she waited for Sans to turn around and see her.