Jarvis pushed one of the plates of food towards the kid. "Well kid, it was a mix of the genes I got from my father. You see his blood line goes all the way back to the fatherland, Germany. His father was pretty big, he was pretty big. Lets just say I inherited his size." He then tilted his head, lifting his fork up. "Well the height anyways, as for my strength. That was all me, not that he didn't help or anything. He made sure my diet consisted of all the necessary things to build a big boy." He then smirked and leaned in. "Growing up I even beat me down a bully. He was asking for it of course. I was already pretty beefy as it was. The kid thought just because he had group of his friends with him that he could take me on." He laughed as he brought back the memory. "Let's just say the kid had to eat his foods through a straw for a good while after I knocked his teeth in." He looked to the boy. "I didn't start any fights in school, I sure the hell ended them though. How I was raised. You give yourself a pretty mean diet like mine,... meat, vegitables.... now not just any veggies, mostly the important ones like corn, potatoes, and carrots. Those were the only ones I really cared about. Every so often ma snuck in some spinach when I wasn't looking. Of course the diet wasn't the only thing. My chores around the house helped build my arms and body. For you,... well there is a lot of work that can be done around here that can easily help build some muscles." He then looked around the room and sighed. "Just don't try to be a hero or anything kid and don't let any poisons into your system like beer or anything of that sort. I am just about ready to quit the one poison I put into my body. Of course once I run out of it that's when I will quit." He said. He had refered to his stash of cuban cigars in the tank. Perhaps he would save them for moments of victory. He noticed the boy wasn't the only young one around. There were many kids, many mouths to feed. He looked back to the kid and then back to Blitz forcing a smile. "Now this chicken fried steak is nothin' like what my ma would make but it is pretty good. My mother used to make these huge meat pies which were a thing of this world. Nothing like those damned small things you see in the super market." ---------------------------------------- Miles was just about exhausted making up the plans and helping out the engineers and the soldiers. He thought he did a good job at hiding it ,but apparently he failed at that. One of the soldiers tapped his arm and pointed over to the make shift rooms. "Take a rest Major, we need you at full strength if those bastards give us another shot." he said. He wasn't lying and it was true. Miles sighed and headed for one of the rooms. On his way there he passed by the two guards standing by Kiley's door and he could hear her voice as she was speaking into a phone. He had stopped just to listen to her speak. He smiled as he hung on each word. The girl was finally coming to terms with the current situation. She had evolved into a much better and stronger person then her father. Then again New York was known to do that. That city could transform a man or woman in a week let alone the years she spent there. Then of course the events of the past couple days probably had something to do with it. She took the losses a lot better then her father had did. He nodded slightly and continued to the room that he chosen as his own. When he entered inside it he noticed the space was a bit roomy, but it was missing one thing. It was missing Erika. She was off in that pod under going some super soldier experiment. He shrugged and closed the door and made sure it was locked and tossed his gun down and let himself fall right into the bed. He stared into the ceiling for a good long while until he finally closed his eyes and drifted off into sleep. ------------------------------- Jin opened his eyes and looked down to notice that a kid was staring up at him. The kid was looking to the sword he figured. "Mister, what where you doing?" The kid asked. Jin sighed and looked to Hotaru and then back to the kid and raised a finger to his mouth. He then whispered to the boy. "It is similar to meditation ,but not quite." He answered the boy. "Oh you mean like what the jedi do on star wars?" He asked. Jin smirked at that response and nodded. "Yes, actually. It is much like what they do." He said. He then leaned in, his hand on his sword. "Of course if you really want to stay on that subject. I would like to mention that I am pretty much a jedi with this sword." He said tapping the sheath.