Cassandra looked to Vanessa, raising an eyebrow, [color=f6989d]"You're not that much different to me, in build. How did you carry him up?"[/color] She said, but it probably got missed in the overall concern for Billy. Cassandra looked him over, wincing, but looked back to Vanessa. Something wasn't right here, was it? Perhaps Vanessa was the female heavy weight champion, but she didn't think so. To carry what would probably be dead weight from a hurt billy she'd have to have incredible endurance and strength. It didn't seem possible, Vanessa didn't have the build for it. So what was going on? Riley seemed shaken, which was understandable. Cassandra moved towards Billy, checking him over. She wouldn't be surprised if he had a broken bone. [color=f6989d]"Probably a weird question, but did you lose consciousness anytime, Billy?"[/color] That would, hopefully, rule out a serious concussion. [color=f6989d]"I've got the first aid kit, but there's only so much that can be done with it. Might have to improvise a bit"[/color] she mused