‘You’re having one of those as well?” Krenn had barely muttered the words to the stranger in the alley when their meaning was reinforced by the sound of running boots and a loud ‘Hey!’ When the Besalisk looked over his shoulder to see who the voice and boots belonged to he saw 3, what he could only describe as, thugs approach. Blackened Star insignia on various places alarmed Krenn, he knew what it would look like if they would see the massacre in the alley. ‘Where’s R- ‘ Krenn started running right that instant, making for the next alley as blasterfire hit the wall beside him. “What the kark, he shot them all up, holo Xental! Stop that fat fuck!” Krenn could make that much out as he positioned himself behind a dumpster with a slide, pulling his 2 visible blasters with his upper hands, aiming for the opening of the alley. “Why did I have to check on the bloke-“ He let fly a flurry of bolts towards the opening of the alley as one was taking a quick look. Judging by the shout Krenn had managed to graze a shoulder, but now they were putting blind shots into the wall and dumpster. “he murdered a load of them and I went to say-“ One tried to make for the other side of the alley as Krenn fired a flurry of shots, hitting him various times while the gang member went down. “Hello.” Krenn shot another two bolts as he made for the far end of the alley, lower hands pushing himself away from the walls as he went. Content with his shooting, and lightly over-confident he managed to shout: “Now I know where you got the ‘Blackened’ part from!” Indistinct shouting followed, and more worryingly, blasterfire impacting nearby, luckily Krenn could just round the corner, running for what he had left. With a few turns he had seemingly lost his follower and his breath. Leaning against a small public holo-terminal to keep himself standing he tried to make sense of the commercial lighted blur that were his surroundings. ‘The Pit’ Read one of the holo-signs, and seemingly it was the only ‘public’ building nearby. Here at least Krenn could get lost in a crowd, presuming there was one… He took a few more moments to catch his breath and see if he had a clear walk to the entrance, when he had made sure he hauled himself over to the being standing guard who gave him the usual talk and let him trough. Indeed there was a crowd, and a pit for that matter. Getting somewhere out of sight was now his priority, preferably a place where he could still see the entrance and scout for these ‘Blackened Stars’. He hadn’t found the spot yet when two of the gangmembers entered. Their eyes scanning the crowd. “Kark” Krenn immediately lowered his posture, trying to blend in even more than he had, giving him an odd hunch, but atleast he wasn’t towering above some others anymore. He halted a passing employee with a full tray of empty glasses with a quick wave. “Hey, were do you enter the pits here? Owner around?” To his emberasment the female Human employee started laughing. But while expecting a mocking: ’you want to enter the pits?’ the girl responded with: “Should be out back, apply there.” Krenn nodded, only to start making his way towards where the girl had pointed, frantically looking over his shoulder, hoping to have avoided their gaze.