I will work on a bio later. Tired brain is lazy and refuses to come up with something good. [hider=Jester] [b]Name:[/b] "Grim Sonata" (Vincent Alexander) [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Class:[/b] Jester [b]Appearance:[/b] [center][img]http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/darkestdungeon.gamepedia.com/thumb/e/e0/Jester.png/250px-Jester.png?version=1c7f072cd0aada50cffceeabccdfa805[/img][/center] [b]Personality/Motivation:[/b] Grim is eccentric, to say the least. He believes that every other living thing is an adoring fan, or should be. Instability rules his mind, and he often says and does things that make no sense. His motivation? Spread his fame to every corner of this dark and twisted world! [b]Phobias/Mental Ticks:[/b] Egomania; the world is a stage, and Grim is the star player. He sees everything a little differently, and sometimes the spotlight takes him places he ought not to be (like the front of an adventuring party). Compulsive; some moments simply demand appropriate musical accompaniment, and Grim must play. No matter the threat to himself or others, he will take up his lute. [b]Biography:[/b] Grim was born and grew up among a troupe of traveling mummers and bards that ranged far and wide to bring their arts to the world. Even when he was young, it was clear to those around him that he didn't see things the same as everyone else. His musical talents however, seemed almost unnatural. Nobody could sway the emotions of a crowd so well as he, and he seemed able to know or compose a song at a whim. Eventually, Grim decided that he no longer needed to share the spotlight with those around him. The world was [i]his[/i] stage, and this supporting cast was growing old and tiresome. Before moving on, he killed every last member of the band in their sleep. For a time, he would wander alone and continue the life of a traveling bard. [/hider]