It was a few hours past sunrise, breakfast was ready and Joe was running late. Or at least that’s what he had thought; Joe didn’t really own a watch or clock. Not wanting to waste anymore time, he grabbed some sausages and toast from some random shmuck’s plate and dashed out, from the diner he had just entered, in style. [b][i]"Ya snooze, ya lose, sucka!”[/b][/i] I forgot to mention, Joe was broke. Ten minutes, two blocks, and a bush was what it took Joe to shake off his pursuers. Honestly, this was his personal best. [i][b]“Hey Jimbo, the coast is clear?”[/b][/i] whispered Joe as he cautiously stuck his head out from the bush he was hiding in. Technically, he stuck out his afro. And from it, came out his necktie wearing chimp. With a cup of coffee grasped between his hands and a shrill shriek, Jimbo responded. [i][b]”Sweet. Let’s head over to the spot.”[/b][/i] A maniacal grin appeared on Joe’s face as he and Jimbo strutted to the Slight Heroics Headquarters. As much as Joe enjoyed the idea of conversing with his newfound colleagues and exchanging ideas and queries, he found himself ignoring everything and anything that was going on around him. He was definitely stupefied at the current predicament he was in. Abruptly getting up from his chair, Joe slammed both his hands on the oval table that they were surrounding. [i][b]"Yo, you lot got great questions, but I gots to know one thing."[/b][/i] Joe remained silent for a few second and sternly gazed at the hologram in front of them before continuing to speak. [i][b]"Can Jimbo get paid in oranges and not bananas?"[/b][/i]