[hider=The Winter Siblings] [center] [img]https://36.media.tumblr.com/3c843ee971582e8b4ec5b7cd8e026d82/tumblr_mex0hmSbL51qepum0o1_500.jpg[/img] [hider=Will Winter] [img]http://i.imgur.com/ovdxl9U.png[/img] Civilian name: William 'Will' Winter Gender: Male Age: 18 Hero or villain: Hero Civilian looks: William stands at a tall 6 foot 3 and has a fit physique with only light muscle that betrays his true strength when channelling the sun. His skin is neither pale nor is it tanned, which brings out his piercing blue eyes somewhat. His hair is black and curly, albeit covered by a cap at most times. Costume: William's 'costume' is rather casual. He will often not change the lower half of his clothing, and the top consists of his grandfathers old costume. This is essentially a green sailor's uniform straight from World War 2. It comes complete with a striped cap, another homage to his grandfather. Powers: William has, but two notable powers, his control of sunlight and his very slight control of water. William's control of sunlight isn't in the conventional way that you'd think it to be. He does not fully know how to control or use it and as a result can only channel it through his body. His control of water ties into this control of sunlight, and he uses it in a variety of ways, most involving bubbles. He mostly always uses bubbles for the sole reason that they are easier to make than say a stream of water or a wave. All he needs is the condensation from the air and a small amount of sunlight and boom, he has what is essentially either a battering ram or a bomb depending on how much sunlight he puts into it. He is also able to spin the bubbles at increasingly high speed, giving them the ability to cut objects or people if he so chooses to do so. Along with this, he can use the bubbles as a sort of lens for sunlight. In the same way that a magnifying glass will concentrate the heat of the sun into a burning effect, his bubbles would do the same. He could also theoretically connect up the bubbles in a sort of domino effect to further concentrate the sunlight. William can also use the sunlight itself to buff his own powers. While channelling sunlight William's strength, speed and durability are increased exponentially, to the point of being comparable to that of some superheroes. He is also able to nullify small amounts of pain because of this buff, for example, he could relax and dislocate his arm in order to send a far reaching punch towards his enemies. A limitation of William's sun based powers is his breathing. He must maintain a constant flow of breathing in a pattern taught to him as a child. Any variation to this pattern for an extended period of time will result in his powers deactivating and leaving him to fend off attackers with his water based powers. Weakness wise, William is essentially only human without his sunlight. Even with the enhanced durability, a punch from a super strong person will still hurt like hell and may stagger or even send William flying depending on how strong the person is. Skills: William is a skilled boxer and was considering attempting to become professional before he became a hero. Along with this, he is quite skilled in out-doorsy things like gutting fish and starting fires as a result of his time camping with his father in his youth. He also learned to sew at a young age, in order to help his sister with her dress making and whatnot. Personality: Optimistic and kind, William is not the type to get mad very easily. In fact, he is about as patient as it gets and annoying him takes more than what you'd expect, just ask his sister who has tried on numerous occasions to get a reaction out of him that wasn't ambivalence or laughter. If there was a word above loyalty it would be used to describe him. He is loyal to his family, friends and especially his morals. He's the type of guy who'd put his life on the line to save a stranger. There is one thing that is sure to immediately anger him though. Insulting or doing anything harmful to his sister. His anger is far different from most people's though, it more stoic and serious than it is rage filled and emotional. Rather than sprinting over in a rage filled flurry of punches and kicks, William is a lot more deliberate with his movements. Instead walking slowly and calculating every possible thing he could do in the situation. [/hider] [Hider=Charly Winter] [img]http://i.imgur.com/tAiBThv.png[/img] Civilian name: Charlotte 'Charly' Winter Gender: Female Age: 17 Hero or villain: Hero Civilian looks: Charly stands at 5 foot 8 and has a slim physique. Her skin is rather pale, and matches well with her pale blonde hair and her hazel eyes. Her hair is tied into several ponytails with spherical hair clips. Powers: Charly possesses the power of life manipulation and creation. Don't worry it's not nearly as overpowered as it sounds. The most use of this object comes from Charly's ability to turn inorganic objects into organic ones. Namely small animals and plants. For example, she could turn a pen into a garden snake or a gun into a frog. If someone were to attack one of these small animals, the amount of damage they would have inflicted onto the animal would be inflicted back onto them. Along with this, she can heal small wounds such as cuts and gashes if she so pleases. She is also able to speed up the ageing of various things based on their consciousness, sapience and sentience. For example, she is nowhere near powerful enough to age a human past a few seconds. And even then, doing that would wear her out to the point of needing immediate rest. The thing she finds easiest to speed the ageing of are plants and trees. She can make a tree go from the prime of its life to death within a matter of seconds. For this reason, she often carries seeds and whatnot around with her. While it would take her a great amount of effort to age a human fully, she is able to damage any humanoid with something she calls the 'Life-Shot'. Essentially she channels a great deal of life into the tip of her finger and fires it at her opponent. Wherever it lands ages rapidly before de-aging back to its original state and causing an amount of damage that differs depending on where it hits. For example, if she hit someone in the heart or the head it would do much more damage than it would to a person's arm. This could also potentially be used to blind people if she is accurate enough. Charly's main weakness is her humanity. Other than her life based powers she is just a human, and will die to anything a regular human will die to. Along with this, her Life-Shot slowly drains her of energy to the point where she could be put into a coma if she uses it too much. Skills: Charly possesses very few attack based skills other than her skill with a bow and her accuracy as a result of this. She is quite a good rider of horses and is good at sewing and making clothing and whatnot, but other than that she has very few skills that could help her out in the field. Personality: Charly is a timid, if a bit inquisitive young woman. She is quite kind to strangers, and would risk life and limb for her family, but earning her friendship is a bit more difficult than you'd expect. She is rather untrustful of most people and will often turn to her brother for his opinion on the person before she becomes proper friends with them. [/hider] Bio: The Winter siblings were born on an ironically sunny summer day in Hamburg, Germany. Their father, a butcher, was the son of a retired superhero by the name of [i]'Befreier'[/i] or [i]'Liberator'[/i]. The story behind their grandfather was that he fought during World War 2. Of course, being German he fought on the Axis' side of the war, until he developed his power. His power was rather unconventional in the fact that it was two large wings that sprouted from his back. He defected to the British side of the front after saving a paratrooper whose parachute had failed to deploy. Funnily enough, he was placed in the British navy, but for good reason. He would be ordered to fly onto Axis ships before lifting or killing as many soldiers as he could on the boat. He gained the nickname 'The Angel of Death', a name that stuck with him throughout his heroing life. He met a British girl and they married rather soon after meeting. After the war had ended, they moved back to Germany, where he gained a reputation as a superhero. He retired a few decades later, after his son was born. His son, a non meta-human, aspired to be a big hollywood writer, but ended up becoming a butcher before marrying a girl from his hometown of Hamburg who later gave birth to both William and Charly. William, born in June, grew up knowing a life of action and adventure. As a young boy, his grandfather would often take him out camping to teach him various skills needed to survive in the wild. At the same time, his father enrolled him in boxing lessons, where he excelled to the point of almost becoming professional before he joined the hero academy. Charley, born in July had a far different life than William during this period. She spent most of her time learning from her mother and grandmother. She loved arts and crafts and her grandmother was a great teacher of sewing and clothes making. Their powers both developed at around the same time, and their grandfather was great at helping them control their powers, especially with all of his superhero connections. Things got a lot easier when they were informed about River City Academy around the time when William was 15 and Charly was 14. They have attended the academy since then. [/center] [/hider]