With a low grunt Gideon threw the last of his things on the ground in the small tent that he had erected for himself. The Company had set up a large camp in the area so it was his duty to see to his own tent setup and upkeep in order for him to have a place to sleep and rest in between whatever it was they would be doing. The man looked up and fixed a small knot that seemed to almost be untied before giving himself a small pat on the back for successfully setting up a tent. It was a small feat. No need for celebration. But, he wanted the pat on the back by himself. Gideon moved the flap to his tent back and stepped outside of it. As he looked out at the encampment he could only smile as he was rather happy about the change of scenery and pace the Company was moving at. He had only been with the Company for a few years now or so, but he was very happy the Company decided to leave the Imperial City. He never much care for cites of that stature. Too stuffy and crowded for him. He preferred living this way. Or in a small village of some kind. To him, this was right at home. Some were upset with the change, but others like him seemed to be getting along just fine. The Company was his home and he was happy about that. The hustle of Company members here and there was enough to give the weak willed person a headache of some kind. Gideon had grown up with hustle so to him, this was nothing. Humans of all shapes and sizes trotted along down dirt roads and grassy areas as they were all trying to set up their tents too. Elves and Dwarves were here too. Gideon was not one to discriminate either. Even though the common notion to believe was that humans were superior to the other races, he had spent enough years in this Realm to know that that was most certainly not true. But, he kept that opinion to himself. He was just as much a freak as anyone else in this crazy world. Gideon let the tent flap close with a small flapping sound and he moved into his tent and sat down on the small cushion he had in the middle of his tent. He closed his eyes for a few seconds and took in a deep breath. As he did this his thoughts started to fly by at light speed as he stayed in this meditative state. He knew things were about to pick up as the Company was here setting up a camp like this. Gideon had a feeling they would not be fighting monsters of any kind, but he was preparing himself for anything. In his line of work, you never know what to expect. Tid bits of information and facts of things he had learned started to fly through his head as he seemed to lose himself on the ground in his tent. As he sat there the information seemed to flow away and it was all replaced by the image of his wife. He awoke from the trance with a small gasp and almost fell backwards. Luckily he caught himself. Right when he came to, he noticed a small orphan girl holding the flap of his tent back and staring at him. He stared back and without any words being exchanged she handed him a note and then took off. Gideon sat up and read the note. It was from the captain. Now that was man Gideon respected. The note was short and sweet and instructed him to seek the captain at his tent. So, Gideon grabbed his armor and weapons and got himself ready before heading out his tent and walking down the path to the Captain's tent. As Gideon cowered the encampment for the Captain's tent, he realized that he was not the only one heading towards the same place. Other members were heading the same way. Whatever their reasons, he believe they were all going to be connected some how. Gideon pushed forward to the large tent that was the Captain's. He was prepared for whatever and ready to get this show on the road. Whatever it may be. As he pushed towards the Captain's tent, Gideon was really able to take in the smell of war and death that had surrounded and engulfed the encampment. Not his choice of things to experience with his nose, but it didn't repulse him. Whatever the Company was planning, nay, whatever the Captain was planning for he was the Company, was going to be big.