Thranok smiled at the Satyr, displaying his own hint of mischief. "Hundreds, aye?" he said with a chuckle. "So, a dozen then? That be 'bout right." The Dwarf lowered his axe with a grunt. "Best yer come with us though, eh? That way, if yer lead us into an ambush, there be a chance that this Elf lass," he continued, nodding towards the Elf, "could plant an arra' in yer back 'fore yer a chance to merrily prance off to the sounds 'o us fightin' yer trickery personified." Turning to the Elf and the other Dwarf, Thranok indicated the Dragonborn with his free hand. "So we be half way to solvin' this mess, but what'a 'bout 'im over there. Reckon he worth enlistin'? Can never 'ave enough swords, me father always be sayin'."