"I wouldn't hesitate to put an arrow through him if it came to it, I assure you." the Elf muttered, shifting her weight from foot to foot restlessly as her gaze flicked from Thranok to the lizard man. He certainly was strange...she had to confess she hadn't ever seen a creature like that before in her life. Perhaps they weren't all that 'at home' in forests and woodlands, that might explain it. Meliya's gaze travelled up and down the dragonborn as her keen eyes studied him closely, the grade of his armor and the kind of weapon he carried was her best chance at trying to decipher who, or what, he was. "W-Well..." though she tried, as she spoke again she was unable to keep the nervous stutter from her voice. "...I mean, what the hell [i]is[/i] he, exactly?! Looks like a giant, bipedal lizard or something...seems intelligent enough though, no offense meant." she added quickly in the dragonborn's direction. He was intimidating enough looking as it was, and she had no doubt he probably would have the strength advantage if it came to blow by blow, too. "Since he clearly knows how to wear armor and carry a weapon...Might make it difficult to find lodgings though, if we took him with." she pointed out. "People might be afraid of him and rather run away than take the chance with a bipedal reptile."