Name: Rebecca Raith Age: 20 Gender: Female Race: White Court (As if the name didn't make it obvious) Personality: Rebecca, first and foremost, doesn't mind helping out the humans of Eagle Rock. She's well known for her charity work in and around town, organizing fundraising drives and the like. It's not playing with her food, either; she genuinely likes humans, even if she shakes her head at their obliviousness. Bio: Rebecca is [i]very[/i] far down the Raith totem pole, utterly unknown and unnoticed. It's not that she doesn't have ambition to move up the ladder, but she was simply born to a very obscure branch of the family tree. Most members of the House would probably have to scratch their heads and think for a second before they placed her. These days, she works at an animal shelter as her cover, while attending college as an English major. WIP