Liam clenched his jaw together as the man pried for more than just the bullets he offered up as payment. A large part of him knew that it wouldn't be enough to just walk away, but he had hoped that playing on his youth would have at least tugged at a few heart strings. Unfortunately, these thugs weren't the type to take pity. Liam went to slowly reach for his gun as the other man was asking for it, but when his speech was suddenly cut off, Liam halted his movement and watched as the man fell in a fluid motion. A hatchet protruded from the man's back as if a phantom had attacked in a whim. The thoughts that began racing through Liam's mind were cut off by a blast of fire that came from his side. He tried to move out of the way, but a heavy weight hit him and sent him to the ground before he felt himself being pulled behind a separate car. The sounds of the other two men screaming could be heard. "What the [i]hell![/i]" Bullets began to spray the car that his back was against, and he turned to grab the gun only to realize he had handed over all of his shells except for the five that remain in the clip. As the last bastard unloaded his sub-machine gun, Liam finally looked to his side to see what, or rather who, had tackled him to the ground and pulled him out of the way. He locked eye contact for a brief moment until he heard the bullet spray stop, at which time he turned to unload three bullets at the fleeing SOB. Unable to tell whether he hit him or not, but satisfied that he wouldn't be returning, he turned back to the man in the trench coat beside him. "Thanks for saving my ass." He eyed the man a moment, skeptical of why he may have done so. "Liam," he stuck his hand out to shake. You could tell a lot by a man's handshake... like if they intended to kill you. [@Amelian Draco]