Moving out of the way, Marabelle watched as Jack effortlessly picked Alice up and got her back into bed. Taking the vial from the doctor, she nodded, understanding his instruction. "Thank you very much, Doc. If we need anything further, we'll come get you." She said, handing the bottle to Jack once the initial dose was administered before turning and escorting the doctor back out to the door. Elijah watched Jack's actions before turning and following Josephine out of the room. He remained quiet as he walked behind her, making sure she wasn't going to go out wandering alone again tonight. "Are you okay?" -------------- Alice struggled to remain awake once she was firmly back in bed, wanting to make sure that she was safe and not back in that jail cell. "Sor-- Fo-..." She barely whispered while working on peeling her eyes open to look at the person holding her hand. Nothing hurt anymore, allowing her mind to finally function as close to properly as her body temperature would allow. Focusing only for a few moment's on Jack, she tried to say something else, but the sound was lost in her feverish haze. Instead she just gazed up at him a moment longer before relaxing back and letting her eyes slip closed.