[b]Province 69[/b] The Republics forces were gathering en masse to fight the coming darkness. The navy was as prepared as it could be, the army was setting up defensive positions to repel enemies. But would it be enough? Nobody knew for certain. The odds were against them, and they've received no word from any nearby nation. The navy shall defend the coasts and try and destroy as many invader ships as possible to help the armies odds of winning, while the airforce will provide what support it can. The odds were against them, but they'd be damned if they went quietly. [b]Actions[/b] Recruit: 2 Units of ships all provinces 1 Unit of Artillery all provinces Movement: [b]Province 68[/b] 5 Units of Light Infantry 9 Units of Heavy Infantry 9 Units of Heavy Cavalry 9 Units of Arqubuisiers 9 Units of Artillery 15 Units of Ships 25 Units of Derigibles All sent to [b]Province 69[/b] [b]Probince 70[/b] 6 Units of Light Infantry 15 Units of Heavy Infantry 10 Units of Heavy Cavalry 15 Units of Arquebuisiers 10 Units of Artillery 15 Units of Ships 30 Units of Derigibles All sent to [b]Province 69[/b]