[@BlackPanther] [color=ed1c24]"Yeah I suppose I have grown a few inches or so."[/color] Leon replied rubbing the back of his neck, as he smiled slightly happy. It felt nice to see a familiar face and to be casual for a change, even if it was for a short while. [color=ed1c24]"So ya made a race, did ya? Good on ya! I knew ya had it in ya! I bet they all take after you in tha looks department, yeah? So! How does it feel ta be a father?" [/color] Leon grinned. He was treating the matter as if Alec was the literal biological father of each member of his race, when, in fact, this was not true. Leon still tried to avoid the topic of Rhona, which he found to be difficult to avoid. He could see in Alec's eyes, they were practically screaming his sister's name. Leon's happy expression faded as he sighed heavily. [color=ed1c24]"Tha' 'ghost' ya saw has ta do with Rhona, doesn't it? It's written on yer face, lad. Ya need ta get better at hidin' yer desires and what's on yer mind. "[/color] He replied, chuckling slightly. He then paused and pondered on how he would act now. Alec didn't need to give Leon puppy dog eyes for Leon to give in. He could tell that Alec was dead set on seeing Rhona. [color=ed1c24]" A hour.... I can give you one hour... But I cannot promise you that you will be happy with what you see. Even so, do you want to see her."[/color] Leon replied with an intense look in his eyes. After a long period of silence, he opened a portal behind him, one that led to the place where the 2 have been hidden from the world for the past 30 years. [color=ed1c24]"Well? What's yer answer, lad?"[/color]