Dotazaic almost gasped with relief when he saw the cave entrance. The stint in the prison camp had done nothing to improve his already below average stamina for running, and just trying to keep up with the rest of the long-legged folk had left him sorely out of breath. Not to mention that the whole time there had been the constant sounds of steadily approaching conflict from behind them; a constant reminder of the lethal danger that the group was still in. The crevice called to him, speaking of safety and comfort, and a last burst of energy brought him up to the cliff face to join the faster members of the group who had got there first. Seeing them all wasting time looking at the fight going on behind him, he snuck a glance over his shoulder, just in time to see Tychus get sent flying, with blood pouring out of an almost severed arm. He knew what that wound meant, particularly against foes such as these; their benefactor would almost certainly never see another dawn. Turning back to the crevice as their female aggressor gave orders to the knight, Dotazaic heard the human just behind him falter and begin panicking. He knew instinctively that if this man froze here in panic or fear, he would certainly die. Action needed to be taken, and he'd be damned if he'd leave this stupid stilt here to die. Drowning out the human's ramblings, Dotazaic's powerful dwarven voice filled the canyon, [color=fff79a]"ALL OF YOU. INTO THAT CREVICE. GO."[/color] Turning back without waiting to see if they'd heard, he applied all his remaining energy to trying to drag the presently motionless human back towards the hole, shouting at him as he did so. [color=fff79a]"NOT THE TIME, LAD. LIVE NOW, ASK QUESTIONS LATER."[/color] Dotazaic just hoped they'd make it in time before their heavily armored friend rocked up. He really didn't want to have to leave this human to die, but if that's what it took to survive then he would not hesitate for even a moment. No stranger was worth giving up his life for, no matter who they had supposedly killed.