Elik dropped what he was working on when Erien called for them to head to the mess and eat. He left just after all the others and made his way up to where the Mess hall was but stopped in his tracks when he got through the door, there were a lot of crew on the ship and he barely knew any of them and he wasn't able to spot where his squad was sitting in the crowd of people eating, not the he looked that hard. When he saw everyone in the hall he just quickly went about getting himself some food and leaving, heading back down to the hanger to where his fighter was. Once back at the hanger he found a table and set up a small workstation by his fighter, placing his food on it before being struck by a thought and running up to the squad's suite. He grabbed his bow and ran back to the hanger again, unfurling the bow setting it down on the table with his food. He ate as he tinkered with the bow, he wanted to rig this thing to use laser arrows, or more specifically to generate it's own laser bolts and then launch them like arrows, he messed with a few ideas on how to accomplish that while he was eating. As the jump was drawing closer however he had to secure his things as it started, he would do this by tossing his bow up into his fighter's cockpit and stowing the table he'd found before getting in the cockpit himself. Once they were able to move around again he would just go back to tinkering with the bow.