[center][h1][color=686F91]Lucas Walsh[/color][/h1] [img]https://49.media.tumblr.com/d0e06139f8729e50bfa26ab51e647538/tumblr_njz5kjs1D41r9t15do1_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=686F91][b]Location:[/b][/color] ARGUS HQ, Athens [color=686F91][b]Interacting With:[/b][/color] Risa [@Lady Amalthea], Hercules [@AcerRo][/center][hr] [color=686F91][b]"Y'know, I think I prefer [i]almost[/i], if I was as 'dashing' as him I figure i'd look like a wanker."[/b][/color] he smiled as he watched her move to adjust his bow tie, pulling his hand from his pocket to rest both of them on her hips, giving her another brief look up and down before he opened his mouth to speak. However, it was at that exact point when he heard the beginning of Eli's horrid rendition of "I Touch Myself" - Lucas was committed to irritating Risa, especially when she was in the dress, but even he wasn't bothered to make this much of an ass of himself. As Lucas watched Eli, the only real reaction he made was a raise of his eyebrow, brain trying to process if the man was in fact actually doing this, the dancing, the singing, all from someone like Elijah, it was... [color=686F91][b]"Spectacular, absolutely spectacular, bravo, encore!"[/b][/color] Lucas brought up his hands to begin applauding the man, Risa on the other hand seemed far less satisfied with the performance, Lucas watching as one of her heels flew in Elijah's direction. Jumping slightly at Risa's shout, Lucas shifted his gaze over to her just to catch sight of the woman slapping her ass, and in time to bring up his arm and block the heel which was tossed at him, followed by another ass-slap. Shifting his gaze over to Eli once more as he picked up the heel, he made his way over to the man to collect the other, settling the pair in his right hand as he shrugged, reaching up to adjust his glasses slightly as he watched Elijah - still there with his shit-eating grin. [color=686F91][b]"Stunning as the performance was, Eli - I don't think you made the wrong choice when you became a spy instead of an entertainer,"[/b][/color] Lucas smirked, reaching up to give Eli a pat on the shoulder [color=686F91][b]"Now then, she's pissed - so you know, comforting and all that, duty calls."[/b][/color] Giving the man a wink as if Eli had just done him a favour of sorts, Lucas shifted on his heel and moved off after Risa, just managing to catch her last comment as he called out after her, tucking his left hand back into his pocket. [color=686F91][b]"You left it in my room, under the pillow again."[/b][/color] He explained in a helpful manner, far too amused at all that was going on.