[hider=Jessica Rosefey] [b]Civilian name[/b] [indent][i]Jessica Sharon Rosefey[/i][/indent] [b]Alias[/b] [indent][i]The Raging Bull[/i][/indent] [b]Gender[/b] [indent]Jess identifies as an attack helicopter.[/indent] [b]Age[/b] [indent]18[/indent] [b]Hero or villain[/b] [indent]Jessica is as heroic as they get.[/indent] [b]Civilian looks[/b] [indent]The best word to use to describe Jessica's appearance would be eyecatching. She simply looks like an adventurer. It's in her eyes, her face, her attire, and the way she carries herself. She just looks like someone who's ready to jump up and start having some fun. She kinda has the look of a tomboy, but still has plenty of features that show her feminine side. She has short hair, muscles, and usually has a bruise or some dirt/grease on her face. All coming from her upbringing out in the mid-western parts of the US. Features on her such as scars and very bruised knuckles suggest that she gets into fights a lot. Jessica has a muscular and lean physique that comes from her powers. She does work out in attempts to get even stronger. That's not to say that she has massive bulging muscles. If she were to show some skin, people would get impressed with her build. She has six-pack abs, hardened through physical exercise. She has mighty long limbs, lengthy arms and legs. With large hands and feet. Other than her muscles, she has plenty to flaunt. Long legs with thick thighs and calves, impressively large c-cup breasts (Pushed up with her bra to look bigger), a well toned rump. She certainly looks feminine with these features. Her height isn't that much taller than other girls, she stands at the average female height. Jessica is a redhead, and it's easily one of her most striking features. She has a face splattered with freckles, along with some on her upper body - and speaking of her skin, it's rough and calloused, giving people the impression that she is the type who's on the move constantly. It's a beige color, and splattered with some freckles, along with some scars. There's a scar on her cheek, right under her eyeball, that goes to the lower part of her jaw. It's red, fleshy, and ugly. More importantly, fresh - it's obviously a recently dealt wound. She also has several other scars on her body, but fortunately no where near her face. She is quite obviously Caucasian. A little blend of Irish, Scottish, and Russian. Which gifted her with bright-orange hair, cut short, and very wavy and wild. It's styled like a cropped pixie-cut, with the sides of her head shaved. It's maintained to the best of her ability - which she has a bit of trouble doing herself. So she usually gets a friend to help her style it. Aside from her hair, Jessica has rugged facial features, and lean her on the tomboy side. She has a, thin, diamond shaped face, with sharp features. Most notable part of her face is that she has large rosey cheeks, that are covered in freckles. She has a very sharp jawline, with a round chin that blends very well with it. Jessica has big, round, eyes, with green irises. Her eyebrows are thick, and her eyelashes are quite thin. She has a large, upturned nose, that is fairly round, and has a very thick nose bridge, and two wide nostrils. Jessica's ears are somewhat large, aren't disproportionate to the rest of her face. They stick out somewhat. Lips are medium size, and far from pronounced. They have a healthy size and thickness. However, Jessica's appearance has a touch of the beast. A small touch. She has two, white, horns on her forehead that curve upwards. This has given her appearance a touch of the beast. This is totally sterotypical, but Jessica has a cowgirl style. This is mostly because of the wide-brimmed cowboy hat that she's always seen wearing. Usually she would wear a matching T-shirt, polo-shirt, or button-up. The usual pattern is plaid and checkered shirts, along with jeans that are almost always blue. She usually gets the one that's a few sizes too large for her, because she finds that a bit more comfortable. She's almost never seen without a pair of boots - sometimes cowgirl boots. Jess is certainly a fan of vintage jackets, too. She dresses like a 80's highschool jock, stemming from a fascination with those old 80's highschool movies. She constantly wears a 80's Varsity Letterman Jacket, of various colors. She usually gets the one that's a few sizes too large for her. Her favorite jacket is a red and navy blue jacket.[/indent] [b]Costume[/b] [indent]Jessica doesn't have a costume yet - being a new hero.[/indent] [b]Powers[/b] [i]Enhanced Strength & Durability.[/i] [indent]Jess here is the Female Hercules! In case you haven't gotten it from her history section, Jessica's power is that she has unrivaled (So far) strength. Because she has a higher muscle mass, her muscles are capable of easily exerting supernatural amounts of force, and are extremely durable. She has enough strength to throw cars with ease, send someone flying with a kick, and punch through concrete. Jessica can lift around six-thousand and two-hundred pounds at most. Which is enough to lift up two cars, and make sure that anyone who takes a direct blow from her isn't going to get up for awhile. Because of her strength, the muscles in her legs are also capable of carrying her further. She can run faster, and jump higher. Of course, Jessica needs a power to work in the background of this incredible strength. She is insanely tough to boot. Her skeleton has been reinforced in order to support the weight, her tendons and ligaments can't be torn easily, and her skin is rough, and hard to pierce. She's capable of easily shrugging off a weak ass baseball bat, basic blows, or a knife, like it's nothing. Though, bullets (Especially high caliber) would still pierce through her normally. To supplement these abilities even further, she also has a higher stamina.[/indent] [i]Enhanced Smell.[/i] [indent]Comparable to a dog, Jess' smell has been increased by at least a hundred times. She can smell in great detail, and easily track scents using her nose alone! That's pretty much it.[/indent] [b]Limits/Weaknesses.[/b] [indent]Unless she throws something, Jessica will be restricted to close ranged combat. While she's strong, she's still limited by her stamina. Excessively lifting objects places a strain onto Jessica. Like average humans, her muscles will tire out after doing it a lot. It's rather for her to overexert herself, and feel burnt out. Fighting at full strength isn't exactly ideal. While Jessica is tough as nails, she still feels pain. A punch can't hurt her normally. Her durability mostly prevents physical attacks from hurting her, elemental (Specifically Energy) attacks are effective against her. Getting set on fire isn't pleasant (Her blood might boil!), electricity would knock her out, and etc. And, you know, she still needs air. The first trade off comes when you realize that she doesn't exactly know her own strength. While this might not be a huge problem in a fight, it certainly makes the mundane tasks harder to preform. She can easily break her items if she isn't careful, or accidentally hurt someone. This doesn't normally come into play since she has a grasp over her strength, but if angry or not paying attention, that's when she has the problems. The next weakness she has is that she's much, much, stronger than she is tough. If you realize what that means, then is very possible for her to break her hand with a full force punch, or break her joints by lifting up something that's too heavy. When Jess uses her strength, then she has the likelihood of tearing up her bodily tissues. Which would cause some problems. It would also cause plenty of joint pain, and impair her healing. Jess also doesn't have the best balance. Throwing a roundhouse kick is just as likely to knock herself over. Finally, muscle is pretty heavy, and it adds onto her weight. It makes her heavier than most people.[/indent] [b]Skills[/b] [indent]Jessica has a talent for all out brawls. She was taught by her father how to box, and how to fight dirty. Skills that were honed in various street fights, to perfection. In combination with her strength, she's one kick ass fighter. She boasts she has an ability to knock someone out in one punch. Earlier in her life, Jessica is pretty good at Soccer. She's a big Soccer nut. This won't come into play, but Jessica knows horseback riding, and how to tend to farm animals. Finally, Jess worked for her father as a assistant car-mechanic for a few years. She won't be pulling any miracles, but she knows her way around a car. Jessica has always been one that's been fiddling with a guitar. She knows hows to play a bass guitar. Though, it's a even greater talent how she learned to stop breaking them. [/indent] [b]Personality[/b] [indent]Cheerful, playful, and very laid back, is what she comes across to her peers. She's far from the super aggressive Amazon that most people assume her to be. She tries her best to be the big fun people that everyone should be around. The one that tries to keep herself and everyone around her chippy as possible. People get the feeling that she acts nice, dorky at times too. It's rare to see her get angry at all, she casually brushes off any asshole that approaches her, and very rarely takes them seriously. Though, if she does get angry, she's very hard to calm down. She's a terrifying berserker. It stems from her arrogance, that they are no problem, only background noise. Speaking of her arrogance also causes her to drastically underestimate her threats. Because of her strength, she feels that she can take everything out in one punch. If she does get into a fight, she tends to drag things out and show off her strength. Like it's a show. To Jessica, she sees things as a competition, or a game, and she views herself as the champion of them all. Which is why she's so willing to fight anybody - but mostly the strongest. Because, to her, she's the grand champion that can take anyone. In casual situations, this attitude isn't so pronounced, but people may be quick to note how she looks down on them, and speaks as if she's better than they are. However, she takes loses surprisingly well. She just uses it as motivation to get better, and tells herself that she'll win next time. But, Jessica is the kind of person who'd accept all challenges - fights or not. She's quite optimistic, to the point of idealism. Which paves way to a bit of naivety. She doesn't think too hard about things, and takes things at face value. If someone knows enough about her, she can be pretty easy to manipulate. However, she can be a bit of a problem to order around. Despite these traits, Jessica takes time to have plenty of fun outside of brawling other Metas. She'll go out for a drink with you, go bowling, or just chat. Jessica is nice and playful to everyone she meets - very laid back and warm. She has social skills down pretty well. She tends to crack playful jokes at people, whether it's at their expense or not. In return, she has surprisingly thick skin. She doesn't sweat things, and just keeps it moving. Jessica is openly bisexual - or more accurately pansexual. She doesn't care who she gets with - but she never forms any long term or meaningful relationships. They're all just quick bangs. When sitting down with friends, Jessica always has some sort of wild story to tell - whether or not they're true. She's surprisingly open with her friends - especially about her past. She affirms that she has nothing to hide, and it wouldn't her if they knew a little bit more about her. Jess is incredibly adventurous, and is always willing to go on some sort of journey at the drop of the hat. This also leads into her trying more adventurous and risky acts with other people. Though, Jessica has trouble keeping secrets. She may accidentally drop a crucial piece of information at the drop of a hat. Jessica is a well-intentioned person. She's definitely the kind of person who'd go out of their way to help someone (Though, if it's a fight). She'll never (intentionally) harm an innocent - and if she does, she will feel like shit for awhile. She affirms that she has a sense of justice that'd drive her to help whoever needs it. But, in terms of criminals, and the people she fights, it's all fair game. Jessica has zero problem beating down a room full of armed thugs, where she would never even consider rushing into someone's dining room to beat the living daylights out of them. To her, they're criminals who deserved it, or asked for it, so it doesn't matter what happens to them. Though, she has a strict rule to never kill any under any circumstance.[/indent] [b]Bio[/b] [indent]Before I start with Jessica's origins, I should begin with her father's, Hagan Rosefey. Back in his heyday, Hagan was the mafia legbreaker and body-guard known as the "Ox King". A man who claimed to be invincible, and immensely strong. With his strength, he defended the Crime Boss of the Noctis Family. Magic-themed villains who owned a chunk of Las Vegas back in the day. He was their most feared employee, since there were few who could counter him. The heroes didn't have the advanced technology and techniques that they did today other than punching. Being the best employee meant he was their most paid. He accumulated a wealth by saving it all up. However, the criminal life wasn't for him, he already got as much money as he needed. There was only a matter of time before he gets killed or arrested. One night, he just up and left. Leaving nothing in his apartment behind. He settled down far away from Highroller Heights and ended up in Houston, Texas, as an auto-mechanic. In the process, he met a woman in a bar named Jessica (Not this Jessica, her mother). Eventually, they married and had a kid, that kid turned out to be the Redhaired Headache, Jessica Sharon Rosefey (Jr)! Jessica, right from the start, was a hard-headed little git with a knack for starting trouble. She pulled pranks on people, and got into fights... Which she lost because she couldn't pull hair like the other girls. The girl was a limitless pile of energy, and they got her invested in many activities. Mostly the little farm the Rosefeys had. She was an excellent farmhand, and loved animals. However, her father, realizing the danger of the world, decided to teach Jessica how to fight. He was an experienced boxer from his days as a legbreaker. Under his teachings, Jessica, too, became pretty good at boxing. Of course this meant that the git went out and started trouble even more. However, while she inherited his fighting skills, she also inherited superpowers from him. One day, horns grew from Jessica's forehead, and she started exerting a little more strength than a thirteen-year-old girl should. She was tested, and it was discovered that she's a Metahuman with strength and durability buffs. Her father decided to keep a tighter leash around her because, with her power and boxing skills, she could kill someone if she isn't careful. Jessica was trained by her father, and taught how to control her own strength, until it turned out that she could responsibly use it. Shortly after she received a change. Her mother became pregnant with with twins, and nine months later, she gave birth to the children who will become Warren and Billy Rosefey. A happy child. Jessica accepted her brothers with open arms, and was excited to get to know her brothers. The next few years was going swimmingly. In high school, Jessica met a boy named Andreas on the Soccer Team, and they became the best of friends. They had similar interests in music, fashion, and sports. They got along fine, so Jessica thought about going steady with the boy. This was the best time of her life, the two of them were inseparable. Everyone supported the relationship, and months in, it seemed like they would be together forever. It seemed that way, especially on July 4th. Andreas took Jessica out to see the fireworks on the hill, and they were beautiful. The night was perfect, the mood was just right... It was sudden, but hormones and passion got the best of them. They choose then and there that they were going to take it to the next level. It was going great, but it quickly went oh so horribly wrong. Let's just say that Andreas didn't walk straight ever again. This was when she was contacted by the River City Academy. Jessica, pushed by her father to be the next big hero. Which she gladly accepted as she went to the academy for the first time.[/indent] [b]Themesong[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWQs-RfPUjg[/youtube][/hider]