[hider=The Headmaster] [b]Civilian name:[/b] Zaiden Moore [b]Alias: [/b] Evening Star [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Class taught:[/b] Headmaster of Blackwood [b]Villain [/b] [b]Civilian looks:[/b] [img] http://images.8tracks.com/cover/i/009/381/435/fanmix2-5480.png?rect=0,0,1080,1080&q=98&fm=jpg&fit=max&w=1024&h=1024 [/img] [b]Costume:[/b] [img] http://orig00.deviantart.net/ebd7/f/2014/300/1/5/15bd73274682b9e844fbd9217e603f03-d84coo4.jpg [/img] Zaiden’s suit is crafted from a highly durable liquid armour, which solidifies upon command, bestowing him with immense ballistic protection. The suit is highly maneuverable, and its hyper-advanced head set grants Zaiden superior night vision, and an on-board communicator. [b] Powers:[/b] Genius Intellect. [b]Skills:[/b] Zaiden is a highly trained marksman, with an expert understanding of multiple firearms. His body is in peak physical condition, and he is an apt swordsman. [b]Personality:[/b] Witty and charming, Zaiden has quite the air of sophistication about him. Beneath his smiley exterior, he is cold and ruthless, with a sadistic side which knows no limits. His primary motivator is a combination of intellectual curiosity, and his own massive ego. [b]Bio:[/b] Zaiden Moore was born to William Moore, the CEO of Eden International; the largest Private Military contractors in the world. By age 6, Zaiden had earned a grade 8 commendation for his mastery of the piano. He graduated high school at age 9, and by 13 he had graduated from Columbia University with a major in English Literature. Zaiden was hired for a paid internship at Eden International, before being promoted to Chief Technology Officer within a matter of months.The young boy’s intellect was unmatched, and the innovative weapons and armours which he helped developed sold for billions. Zaiden was 17 when super (or ‘meta) humans became known to the public, and was quick to establish his own subsidiary company of Eden, specialising in anti-Meta Human warfare. The soldiers that the young genius supplied were specially trained in how to apprehend superhuman threats, and were equipped with state-of-the-art technology which allowed them to go toe-to-toe with uniquely gifted individuals. Whilst Zaiden’s public image was one of abhorrence towards superhumans, he was secretly fascinated with them, and used hidden underground labs to conduct twisted experiments on the superhumans that he captured; trying to figure out what separated them from non-powered humans on a scientific level. One of the workers in Zaiden’s lab leaked classified files to the public domain, and the young man was quickly arrested amidst a wave of public outrage. His father disowned him, and Zaiden was thrown into a maximum security facility. It was whilst he was behind bars that Zaiden met Benat Hernandez; leader of the infamous Blood Gulf Cartel. The two orchestrated a mass prison riot together, and assumed control of the facility. From there, Benant led Zaiden back to mexico, where he made him a lieutenant inside the organization. The young man spent his time pulling off massively elaborate schemes, and making huge amounts of cash for the cartel, whilst destroying their competition in the process. Ziaden eventually usurped Bernat, and had him dismembered and hung from a bridge. Zaiden used his vast wealth to construct several front companies, before establishing Brightwater Technologies, under the alias of ‘John Brightwater’. Brightwater Technologies became one of the world’s leading manufacturers of domestic, leisurely, and military devices; with a mass of factories sweeping across the globe. Zaiden was quick to buy up Eden International, and begin developing his own private army. With access to limitless wealth, and a vast horde of trained killers, it was then that Zaiden assumed the identity of Evening Star, and set his mind on a single goal… World Domination. The so called “Cracked Halo” terrorist cell committed countless atrocities under Evening Star’s command, until they were eventually overwhelmed by graduates of River City Academy. In an act of spite, Zaiden established Blackwood School and has set about rebuilding his dark army. [/hider]