[b]Province 7[/b] After almost a full year of holding back the ever evolving tide of dark monsters that had been pouring in from the East, Autumn had finally brought a much needed reprieve in the form of reinforcements. With their somewhat tattered ranks not only restored but swelling beyond the numbers that they had come to the province it, the veterans of Province 7 finally had the ability to go on leave so that they might rest and recover from the nearly year long ordeal. The signs of their last, despite defense of the Province in order to buy themselves, Tushienia and the rest of the world more time still burned several months later; In front of the first line of defense stood the still burning swampland that the defenders had created, pouring oil, tar and even using earth magic to move coal deposits and funnel gas pockets to it to ensure that when they lit it up with fire magic, it would stay burning for a very, very long time. A time that they themselves were cutting short. With the influx of new troops and the ability to rebuild and redesign the various lines of defensive without being harried, the fire wall had served its purpose of stalling the enemy advance in the north; If they left it up, the dark monsters of the east would simply head south and go around them, overwhelming one of the southern provinces. Better to cut the fire off from its fuel and let it mostly burn out to divert darkness forces into a nation that was entrenched and ready to face them instead of overwhelming a battered one. It might take until the winter snows set in for the fire to die down enough for the darkness to begin assaulting them new, but they would be ready for them. .................................... There was an old saying in Tushienia: 'If you understand yourself and the enemy, you will be the victor even after one hundred battles. If you understand yourself but not the enemy, for every victory you achieve you will also suffer a defeat. If you neither understand yourself or the enemy, you will succumb in every battle.' Tushienia had been fortunate when it came to the battles with the Darkness; While it had been an unknown foe and good solders had died due to it's evolving tactics and units, not an inch of Tushienia's territory or that of her allies had been lost to it yet despite its best efforts. The bodies of the foul, unliving creatures were torn apart in order to be studied, patterns starting to emerge in their design that could be exploited in order to bring about their swift ends while the nature of their design was discussed and debated openly in coffee shops and universities across the nation. What had once been an unknown foe had been dragged out of the shadows and into the light; They were still a threat, but the fear and horrible awe that the creatures relied upon to break resistance was no longer present in Tushienia. The unknown enemy had been made known to all and it could be killed. ............................. [hider=Actions] Recruitment: Province 7: 1 x cannon Province 10: 1 x heavy infantry Province 11: 1 x heavy infantry Province 12: 1 x magi Province 17: 1 x magi Research: Against the Dark (Turn 3) [hider=Movement] Province 10 to Province 17: -2 Cannons Province 11 to Province 17: -2 Cannons Province 12 to Province 17: -2 Heavy Cavalry [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Garrisons] Province 7: -11 War-Magi -46 Units of Magi -5 Cannons -10 Units Archers -18 Units of Heavy Infantry -6 Units of Arquebussers -1 Units of Light Infantry Province 8: -8 War-Magi -22 Magi -4 cannons -8 Archers -1 Arguebusser -22 Heavy Infantry Province 10: -1 light infantry Province 11: -1 light infantry Province 12: -1 light infantry Province 17: -1 light infantry -4 Cannons -4 heavy cavalry Province 19: -2 War-Magi -2 Magi [/hider]