[h3][b][i][color=b3c0ef][center]Persephone[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [center][b][color=b3c0ef]Location:[/color][/b] Crossed Swords Inn & Tavern [b][color=b3c0ef]Interacting With:[/color][/b] Keystone[/center] [color=b3c0ef]"Sure thing,"[/color] Persephone said, releasing her hold on Keystone's arm once they'd reached the inn. [color=b3c0ef]"And likewise. I'll see you in the morning."[/color] She hadn't minded the gesture, and didn't read into it much at all. Seph's own tendencies were anything but formal, and she rarely even treated formal gestures as such. He seemed like a nice guy, from the brief time she'd spent with him. Issues of digestion aside, her time in his company had been pleasant. She was glad he'd agreed to come along for tomorrow. There were some new faces present in the tavern, one of which she quite certain had been responsible for that racket they could hear all the way up in the temple. Seph might've said hello, but she was fairly tired at this point, and needed to get a good amount of rest to be functional the next day. Crossing orcish territory was not something to be done lightly. Offering anyone who caught her eye a polite smile as she passed, Seph made her way upstairs to her room after Keystone, and closed the door behind her. She unbuckled her boots and tugged them off, tossing them to the floor beside the bed. Sighing, she untied her robe and shrugged it off, collapsing on her back onto the bed, and staring up at the ceiling. Turning her head, she noted that the only light in the room was coming from a pair of candles on a table near the door. She narrowed her eyes at them, willing the fire to go out, but it did not. Why would it? Rolling over onto her side, she focused, taking a few breaths, and feeling the air move into, through, and out of her body again. She then slowly breathed out, holding her right hand gently outwards, and she focused on the trajectory of her breath, imagining it curling around the air above the little flames. She slowly squeeze her fingers into her palm, and lowered her hand. To her surprise, the flames were snuffed out, casting the room into darkness. Seph smiled to herself and closed her eyes, letting her head fall against the pillow.