[hider=Kallista Carver] [i][b]Civilian Name:[/b][/i] Kallista Carver [b][i]Alias:[/i][/b] KC [b][i]Gender:[/i][/b] Female [b][i]Age:[/i][/b] 16 [i][b]Class Taught:[/b][/i] N/A [i][b]Hero or Villain:[/b][/i] Villain [i][b]Civilian looks:[/b][/i] She is 5' 6" and weighs around 125 lbs. She has an athletic body with natural waves in her hair and a light dusting of freckles. [hider=Image][img]http://www.thewrap.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/abc-original-sin-alex-steele.jpg[/img][/hider] [i][b]Costume:[/b][/i] N/A right now [i][b]Powers:[/b][/i] Poisonous Touch - so far, the toxins she emits are not powerful enough to kill anyone but their strength will increase. She must make skin to skin contact. The longer the contact, the more concentrated the dose of poison. Just a brush of her skin wouldn’t even be enough poison for anyone to notice. [b][i]Skills:[/i][/b] Proficient computer skills/hacking experience [b][i]Personality:[/i][/b] KC is a rebel to the very core of her being. She distrusts any sort of authority or overseeing embodiment. She is stubborn, focused, dogmatic, and witty. She has no problems speaking her mind and being honest. She gets bored easily except when it comes to focusing on her computer. She is untrusting of others but is incredibly loyal to those she deems worthy. She is fiercely independent and has a good sense of humor. She’s generally laid back and can get along with most any type of personality - as long as they don’t try to dominate her in any way. [b][i]Bio:[/i][/b] Kallista was born to a wealthy family who had made their fortune through her father’s connection to the mafia. He spent his days running their double set of books, making sure to keep the government off their trail. KC had an older sister who was the apple of her parents’ eyes. Kallista did anything she could to keep her parents attention. She would skip school, stay out late, experiment with drugs, and anything else she could find to get them to notice her. One day, she even learned how to hack into her school’s database, changing the grades of all of her peers and learning the private information of all her teachers. She found out she had quite the knack for computers, and was exceptionally good at infiltrating blocked information. It quickly became an obsession for her. She took it as far as discovering the double set of books her father was managing. As a prank, she changed all the information they held, making it appear as though all the money they had disappeared. When her father found out, he begged his boss to not hurt KC. Instead, the boss recommended her skills to The Blackwood School, thinking she must have special abilities. Little did he know, her superpowers were yet to be discovered. [/hider]