Well, this was starting out better than Nyx had hoped. She held the tea mostly for comfort, and she found that tea kept her up when she needed to sleep. So she could accept it properly, but she could at least look like she was accepting the warm cup. Nyx wondered what her Co would say next, because the scene in the hangar clearly hadn't gone unnoticed. Instead, Eiren put the blame on herself with her first impression and the lecture. Nyx didn't mind letting others take the blame for the stupid things she did if it meant she got off scot free, but this time it felt wrong. Then Eiren mentioned that Nyx walked away in the middle of a conversation. When did she do that? Was it earlier when she was supposed to be admonished with Gurjen? Maybe she did need to sleep more after all, if her memory and manners were getting this bad. The worst part had to be that Eiren kept staring with that smile, and Nyx felt like she was in the crosshairs of something far worse. [color=00aeef]"I-I know. It's not your fault, I got used to working while tired, and I figured it'd just be small jobs. But when you're laying down or just on autopilot you just... fall asleep. I try not to sleep in the hangar, but I was so excited that I just forgot to sleep before coming onboard."[/color] Nyx tried to explain, still feeling like a child who was being told off by their parent. [color=00aeef]"The regs don't bother me, I'm just not used to being so... regulated, if that makes any sense. "Growing up, it was kind of easy to be ignored. I mean, there were just so many of us that every so often if one went missing, someone else would just replace them and life would move on. There was no investigation, or SOP, it just moved on and we were expected to find our way on our own. My whole existence boiled down to: find parts, fix parts, and not to get killed for good parts. So, now everyone has rules and tries to know where I am, and before it just wasn't like that, but I want to try and do it because I want to be a pilot. I've been an engineer my whole life, but I want to try being a pilot. But... if you want to reassign me, I understand."[/color] [i]You wouldn't be the first to tell me that I'm a poor fit for this line of work...[/i] [@Silverwind Blade]