[@Ace of flames01] Alec slowly looks up at leon. For the first time in a very long time his egyptian accent comes out. "Who ever said you would be on your own?" He slowly stands up. "Considering this is my fault...why wouldn't I help her...or you" He looks back at rhona as a tear makes its way down his face. Frustration anger and a few other emotions glide through his eyes. "This is not living...this is existing...how is this fair t her" He looks back at leon. "How could you wish your own blood to simply exist like this?" His gaze seems to pierce Leon. "Humans often did this to their loved ones as well...do you know where those loved ones ended up? trapped" He tilts his head. "trapped because their body was forced to live while their soul was ready to move on...ready to be weighed and judged." His gaze intensifies. "Unlike them she can see the world yes...but she isn't experiencing it...shes just...existing and that is a fate worse then death." The gaze becomes unbearable. "Is that something you truly wish upon yourself? The fact that you want her to be like this simply to satisfy your own selfish wishes on having her so safe that she remains in a death like state?" He has seen things like this a bit too often...and seeing Rhona like this was killing him a bit.