[hider=Arthur Invictus] [center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/yLYRejY.jpg[/img] [i][b]"Death is the only absolute, we all come to that fate, it’s what binds us. It is the final and only ever lasting justice. Evil does not exist, only intent exists. When the side of a mountain slides to kill a village, this is not evil, for it is a force of nature. Should a sentient being cause that landslide, there is intent; and requires the justice of death as a consequence, so that civilization can exist. There is no greater justice than death; and only if law serves justice is it a good law. It is said correctly that law exists not for the just but for the unjust, for the just carry the law in their hearts, and do not need to call it from afar. I bow to no one and give service only for only this cause."[/b][/i] [/center] [b]NAME:[/b] Arthur Invictus [b]TITLE:[/b] Praetor Arthur Invictus [b]CLAN:[/b] House Invicta/Invictus [hr] [b]AGE:[/b] ~Late 30’s [b]GENDER: [/b]Male [b]SPECIES:[/b] Humanoid [hr] [b]APPEARANCE: [/b] [i]190.5 centimetres (6 ft 3 in) 109 kilograms (240 lb)[/i] [b]DESCRIPTION:[/b] The appearance of Arthur Invictus is one of imposing figure. He stands just above the average height of the average male humanoid, even emboldened by years of strenuous activity. His skin tone is pale and seems to be littered in tribal-esq markings originating from Mandalorian culture. His eyes are a pale, sickly white absent of pupils due to genetic alteration and synthetic enhancement. [hr] [center] [b]AFFILIATION:[/b] [i]Arthur holds no allegiance to any house of the guild, any faction or sovereign state but himself as an individual. As such he is technically governed by no laws other than the ones he makes for himself or the bits and pieces he still may follow from Mandalorian code of honor. He is also a wanted man, with bounties placed upon him from a multitude of sources; The Hutt cartel has incited interest for his capture, as has the Republic have a outstanding bounty warrant so that he may face trial in Republic law. The guild also has expressed interest in his death, or capture due to his violation of guild rules, and possible dealing in black bounties. No two parties have more of a reason for bounty then to Mandalorian government, who have a significant bounty on his head, and several survivors of Karyat have smaller scale bounties on his head. This has led him to become a trophy bounty. [/i][/center] [hr] [b]BACKGROUND:[/b] Arthur was born on a unknown colonial works where he ended up as a war orphan during a small skirmish campaign of a Mandalorian Commander in the outer rim. Per Mandalorian tradition and culture, the child showed tenacity surviving, and as such was adopted as a Mandalorian to the general's house Invicta/Invictus becoming one of their clan. Arthur spent a lot of his time learning about Mandalorian culture, his heritage and history of his new people while he was young. He was accepted into the Mandalorian academy after a commission from his father, he proved to be one of the best in his class thanks to a young age of struggling to survive, and the teachings of his father. Arhur graduated in his class as a Lancer in the Mandalorian Skyburners, a regiments whose history was made famous during the Mandalorian Wars during the waning years. With a position of command Arthur led men under his command exceptionally but often violently, seeing a ends justifying the means philosophy. It was around this time that Arthurs adoptive father perished due to falling ill. During the invasion of Karyat by the Mandalorian Skyburners following a covert operation to protect Mandalorian Duraplast production on the planet, Arthur was deployed with his fellow Skyburners to quell a insurrection of workers and their droids. Arthur and his brothers in arms attacked the factory city on Karyat following a massive orbital bombardment ordered by Arthur to soften up static positions. Leading his men onto the planet below, most resistance was all too easy a spice droid could mop it up. Believing that the workers had stained Mandalorian tradition, Arthur ordered the workers and refugees to be headed into a courtyard where they were slaughtered. This solidified the title of [b][i]‘Butcher of Karyat’[/i][/b] to Arthur, as his Infamy only continued to grow in time with his actions of ruthlessness. In time Arthur was appointed as Praetor of the Royal Mandalorian guard, tasked with recruiting members to it, and protecting high valued Mandalorian individuals. Although it is not known only to records long buried under bureaucracy, something compelled Arthur to go rogue from the Mandalorian guard. He and some loyal members of the guard, proceeded to steal a ship and supplies to leave Mandalore fleeing into the outer rim territory. It would be almost half a galactic standard year before the famed rogue hunter turned up the the guild looking for some minor bounty hunter work. Although their time would be brief as he would turn to be ignorant of the guild's rules and inconsiderate of their empathetic ideals leading to his split, and eventually a bounty on his head due to ruthlessness. The Praetor would turn up again looking for work as a bounty hunter for the Hutt cartel. He committed assassinations and bounties for the Cartel, one of the most famous including the murder of Rey Vidli, a Republic Senator. Seeing a way to make money, as there at this point was a significant outstanding bounty of the ex-Mandalorians head by the Mandalorian command, and now the republic. The Hutt cartel attempted to capture the Praetor, only to have one of their own Fargo Hutt burned to death. The Praetor has now incurred the wrath of any survivor of Karyat, the Republic, the Guild, the Hutt cartel, Mandalore and any bounty hunter looking to find the trophy of the ‘Butcher of Karyat’. The Praetor was running out of safe places to hide, and to find work fast as he quickly became one of, if not the most wanted men in the galaxy. [hr] EQUIPMENT: [b]Praetor of the Royal Mandalorian Guard Helmet:[/b] [i]Forged in Beskar Iron, a Class-V reinforced, HUD integrated, custom fitted helmet associated with the Praetor Mandalorian Royal Guard.[/i] [b]Royal Mandalorian Guard Chest: [/b] [i]Forged in Beskar Iron, a Class-V reinforced, custom fitted helmet, commonly associated with the Mandalorian Royal Guard, it possess markings on it denoting it belonged to a party of rank.[/i] [b]Royal Mandalorian Guard Pads: [/b] [i]Forged in Beskar Iron, a Class-V set of reinforced, custom fitted paddings that cover shoulders, knees, and other vitals for protection, commonly associated with the Mandalorian Royal Guard.[/i] [b]All-Weather Republic Fatigues:[/b] [i]A set of republic issue, all weather fatigues. Easy to procure on the black market, for extreamely cheap, it is a favorite of bounty hunters as it provides comfort, insulation, and durability in an extremely wide variety of situations. [/i] [b]Mandalorian Jet Pack(Damaged):[/b] [i]A standard issue jetback of the Mandalorian design, it allows the user to gain flight advantages for more tactical options. The missile launching mechanism seems to be damaged, and in need of repair due to an emergency faulty launch of its payload.[/i] [b]Modified Mandalorian Assault Blaster Rifle: [/b] [i]The Mandalorian Assault rifle, is an age-old weapon of potential often given to its shock troops in the mandalorian wars, it has been updated over the eras to stay modern, This variant seems to be adapted for a select-fire, elongated barrel, marksman stock and grip, as well as a sight.[/i] [b]Dual WESTAR-34 Blaster Pistols:[/b] A common Mandalorian bounty hunter pistol fashioned from dallorian alloy, designed for short ranged accuracy and to fire for extended periods of time without overheating thanks to the fashioned heat resistant alloy. They sell for a good price on the black market. [b]Royal Beskad:[/b] [i]A beskad is something of tradition to be passed down from member to member in a Mandalorian clan, and is almost something of a sacred weapon. Forged from Beskad Iron, it is capable of blocking a lightsaber strike, although it’s use in warfare is minimal beyond dueling.[/i] [b][i]'Unyielding Resolve'[/i] M22-T Krayt - Class Gunship[/b] [i]he unyielding resolve is the personal craft of the ex-Praetor stolen from the depot, it served while Arthur was in the guard, and when he left it, ferrying him from system to system. Designed by Mandal motors for gunship and patrol duty, it's found a small niche as a vessel for bounty hunters thanks to it's multi-purpose use and easy modification. It holds a decent sized cargo space, with the stock two Carbonite prisoner transport devices in the hold. The Unyielding Resolve has been modified to have a Class .70 Hyperdrive, and a stealth drive to keep it on the down low. The Krayt holds it's stock weapon system allowing it a varied payload for situations, while although not built to be a sustained fighter it may have some ground based use. It can be operated by a single person, but works best with a crew of two or three individuals, one of the major benefits that a person can give the vessel as with almost all Mandalmotors craft, basic commands for ground support use when not being piloted. (Take off, fly, pick up, shoot, ect) [hr] [b]ABILITIES:[/b] Arthur Invictus is at his core a fighter, not a diplomat. He has fantastic marksmanship and reflexes thanks to his time as a Mandalorian soldier, and eventually as the leader of their guard. His pride ones in his skill as a duelist per his clan's heritage, he is a master Beskad swordsman and has shown to practice with it regularly. While he can gladly and easily perform a warrior's duty he is a poor diplomat and negotiator compared to the charismatic stereotype associated with bounty hunters. Any speech he does relies purely in intimidation and cut to the point tactics. [/i] [b]CREDITS: [/b] [i]Almost scraping buy, bartering valuables in hold.[/i][/hider]