[@Hank][@Lord Coake][@Bright_Ops][@The Whacko][@Noxious][@Keepvogel][@BCTheEntity] Riiiiight then... First off, thank you all for waiting, I appreciate your patience and will try to make it worth your while. Second, if everyone could get there own posts up within three, four days at the most, that would also be appreciated; I did ask for dedicated participants, so don't make me kill anyone off right at the start. With regards to the RP itself: As you may have gathered, there are, possibly on the Hive World itself - possibly not...- four great tomes of power, one dedicated to each of the Chaos Gods, authored by a Dark Apostle of the Word Bearers. When bought together [i]something[/i] happens, although no-one really knows, not even the guy who wrote them! Just did as he was told, really. For now, please feel free to post up an introductory post for your characters, just another day in the Hive; they can more-or-less be doing what they like, until I herd them together through the magic of plot devices. Do they knows about the tomes? If so, how much do they know? Do you even want them to have prior knowledge? Why are they on the planet in the first place, what/who has bought them there in the first place? If they/you wish to interact with any NPC's, I'm happy to take on various roles (I am GM after all), so feel free to do that as well, or write them yourselves - just remember to ask me first, so that I can tell you what they know and so on. I'll probably get a list of important people, locations and so on up at some point, but it's early days for now. Aaaany questions?