[@BlackPanther] Alec's words started to piss Leon off. [color=ed1c24]"Then why don't we just kill her? Tha' way she won't just [i]exist[/i] anymore. Is tha' what ya want?! Do ya want her ta die?! Cause if so then do it already! But I warn ya. If ya dare come near her again - I'll kill ya. And if you try to take her from me; I will destroy yer precious race."[/color] Leon warned as his eyes narrowed, the look in them had greatly intensified. There was another long pause. [color=ed1c24]"Ta know tha' ya want ta protect her merely ta repay a debt; it's breakin' her heart. She has never saved anyone ta expect them ta one day repay it. What she does is out of tha goodness of her heart and out of love fer tha ones she cares about. Tha' is why she brought Ox back ta life. An' tha' is why she saved yers!"[/color] As he said this he circled around Rhona and stood a few feet in front of Alec, then silently created a portal that lead back to the Egyptian Underworld. [color=ed1c24]"You are no longer, nor are ya ever, welcome here. Be gone!"[/color] Leon roared, his voice echoed through the catacombs like thunder as he pushed Alec through the portal. He then proceeded to create a barrier around the entire cave, similar to the one he had created 30 years ago, so that Alec could not return unless Leon allowed it.