New content in initial post. See the hider below. [hider=New shizz bruh] [center][h1]Important Terminology In Thorisa [color=black]~[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h3]Warlocks[/h3][/center] Warlocks are mages who study forbidden, or ancient magic that cannot be reliably studied within the parameters of arcane science. These mages are inferred to be capable of using void energy with the help of arcane rituals that thin the veil between reality and the void. Demonlogy, Void Templar rites, and Warping are a few studies considered to use 'warlock magic' effectively. [center][h3]Warper[/h3][/center] A very rare individual who is capable of warping humans and objects across insanely long distances. This type of magic is very unstable, and without very precise control, warping can either be ineffective, or outright kill the subject of the warp. The study of warping is forbidden in Arcadia, and it is very hard to find texts on the subject anywhere in Thorisa. [center][h3]Void Templar[/h3][/center] A very group of individuals who are capable of negating all forms of magic through an unknown means. Void Templar claim that they use the void, which they worship as 'that which judges the flow of time and power' to cancel out whatever they claim to be a 'blatant misuse of arcane energy'. Their weapons and armor seem to be the source of their powers, but it's been reported that a few Templar can cancel magic without them. The Void Templar are very prominent in the southern regions of Thorisa, but do not show any signs of spreading across the continent. [center][h2]Known Nations[/h2][/center] [center][h3]Mortuum[/h3][/center] Mortuum is the Nation of Void Templar, and happens to have a strong distaste for most arcane studies, including what machinists and alchemists create. They deem only a few arcane revolutions as necessary or allowed in their nation, and adamantly enforce this belief to any who they come across. Mortuum has a decent population of about 2'500 people, and covers about 1 square kilometer of ground. The nation is not walled off, nor do they use a M-3 FFG to protect themselves. Creatures around their land are oddly dissuaded from attacking them, but the reason for this is completely unknown. [/hider] Warping has not yet been added to unique magical studies due to its rarity, but I will add it in the future, I promise. [hr] I posted in the IC as well. [@blue demon] You may be happy to know that I'm incorporating an entire arc around 'demons' and 'the void' in the future. For now though, you're stuck with Brian. Once I'm done with the Karida + Yvette interaction, you'll be time-skipped to the survey group's dispatch, so either way it's no big deal. Brian will be a reoccurring important character in the future though, especially correlating to learning more about demonology and the void in-character. [@unfortunately] Feel free to assert yourself in front of Yvette, your position is almost considered equal to hers by the CMAS. @The Divers Converse with one another, and Luke, for the time being. You won't be interacting with the Junkers until they dispatch.