[@thewizardguy] Richard was peeved. As he shot toward enemy landing zone something black streaked right past him before he could react. That stung, but not so much as cresting a dune to find he wasn't the first mech to charge forward heroically. There was already someone mixing it up down there and while Richard loved that sort of gumption he'd really wanted to be first. Neither of those stung as much, however, as the wave of heat that rolled across the sand at his back. Richard watched in disappointment as his winter wonderland vanished in a wave of steam and heard the rallying cry of that rat bastard thunder stealing Licht Gruppe! Richard considered his personal situation and found it to be the worst. He wasn't the first man in, and neither was he the one leading a rallying charge into the enemy encampment. He the middle child of a whole war. And then there's the meteor. Richard quickly redirected his boost, shooting to the side as something man sized and burning came screaming out of the sky. It came within inches of him, close enough for Richard to spot the shadow of some kind of person in there amid all that fire. He swung to follow it, bringing up one of his chainguns and opening fire as it passed. If god saw fit to deliver upon him an object upon which to vent this frustration he was feeling so be it. He'd make sure, whatever this was, it was good and dead.