[@Ace of flames01] Alec stares at Leon fuming somewhat. He touches his own forehead and mutters something in Egyptian. "It was not just that I want to repay her......" He looks at Leon. "Just so you know.....the forests and jungles of this world are not as safe as they once were....beware the smiling flower" he looks at the portal and shakes his head. With a blink of the eye he teleports home. Once home he goes and teleports again. This time he stands in front of a massive plantoid. It's red lips curve slightly. "....how many have you eaten today Audrey" the plant laughs. "Why you wound me" it laughs again exposing rows of sharpened teeth. It then tilts it's head. "Why are you here o great creator" sarcasm dripping from this one. Alec looks at the plant. "How many of you are in Ireland" the plant grins. "We are everywhere my contacts spread far and wide" it leans down. "Why you got somethin important up there" Alec shakes his head. "Someone.....I need some plantoids to watch for rhona" the plant chuckles. "Calling in that whole creation favor for a girl" it makes a clicking noise. "Simple easy consider it done" a vine wraps around Alec. "You know you can only call that card sparingly" Alec stares at the plant. "I know....just do it" A small plantoid is stationed close to the cave...it can't see the entrance nor does it know it's there....it just is there because the spot is nice. After all there was a woman and some rodent thing..both would make a most excellent snack. It's name....is flowey. Alec is back in his home pacing.