[center][color=cf5300]Sona Penetierre[/color][/center] [center][color=cf5300]Location:[/color] The Tavern[/center] [center][color=cf5300]Interacting with:[/color] Nobody (literally)[/center] Sona stayed awake for most of the night, it was weird though. Staying in the place doing absolutely nothing, she soon drifted off in the chair. Plopping her arms crossed around and her head layed on the beautiful oak furnishing, letting her harp stay on atop of the furniture. It wasn’t long before she began to dream… The dream was rather beautiful. She was walking around slowly in a forest, but it wasn’t like in the forest of Aludimiir. Otherwise she would have recognised it quite easily, instead she walked into a clearing of some sort and it was full of flowers and various other scenery. It was an absolute surprise and mystery as to why she was dreaming of this in the first place, as in the centre was a Harp with some jewels embedded into it. [color=cf5300]“Beautiful…”[/color] she mumbled into her sleep. The blonde wanted to play it, but something wasn’t letting her, she didn’t know exactly what it was that wasn’t letting her play. It was probably the power of the dream itself, it can be a mysterious thing after all. Not long afterwards, it was morning time; yet Sona was still sleeping peacefully on her lonesome.