Alpha looked at Persephone who just growled slightly at Hades to stay away from her. She looked at the ground and then got an idea as he form shifted into that of a girl with brown hair and bow and arrows, that were laced with gold metal. She looked at them slowly and outstretched her large wings made of pure black shadows "i'll watch from the shadows to make sure he stays safe I will not speak to him though" she warned and slashed into the air in a blaze of shadows. Zander was walking around slightly afraid and yelped and smacked intoa girl and jumps back but caught her "oh I'm sorry I wasn't looking on where I was going" he said slowly blinking his dimond blue eyes. He looked at her and jumped back as the griffin rears up flapping his wings angrily at him. Marahute flapped his large wings agressivly toward the male not trusting him yet, the griffin growled deeply eyes narrowed at him and snorted slightly and calmed down and looked at his friend to see if she was ok.