A hour had passed and that was when she awoke. Erika rose up from a bed, but it was not the hospital bed she had laid one a while ago. The whole room seemed to spin as she tried to regain her senses. She closed them again bringing a hand up to her fore head. She swung her legs over to have them hang over the bed. She looked at them and could see they didn't change any. The same old legs she had. She noticed everything was pretty much the same as she felt her belly and her arms. She had no clue as to what they did until she touched it. The back of her head had this new cut. It had been stapled and closed of course and hardly even see able. They put something in her head then... or took something out perhaps? She did not know what it was. She glanced around the room and found her clothes were placed on a night stand. She moved to stand but felt that her legs felt like jelly and sat back down. "You know what... I am going to sleep just a little bit longer." She said, deciding it best to take advantage of the moment and rest some more. -------------------- The engineers had constructed a lot in a hour. They already had a perimeter fence around the entrance and they had sealed off half the exits to the bunker and were working on the other exits. The small base was a good formidable fort now thanks to them. The people with in only wished it would be enough to fend off the tides of horror that awaited them. Jarvis had been watching the engineers as they came through the area and then eventually back the way they had come with material for their little project. He had to smirk at the idea that these people where lucky that Erika had come. These Xenos would have over run the place by now had it not been for him and his tank and the chopper.