A fee hours passed with Enna merely flipping over until her head was tucked under Adrian's chin. The pup stirred and slowly peeked her head out from her nest, her eyes clear and curious as they scan the room. She chirps softly in question and slowly emerges from the towels, white-gray fur puffy and sticking out every which way. She sat on her haunches and slowly stretched out her form, her nose scenting the air as a mix of different scents filled the room. "She's up." A voice stated, ice-blue eyes focused instantly on it, ears pinning back and muscles tensing. Blinking she found two males sitting together on a couch, her head tilts in curiosity as she scents the air once more. She chirps softly and shifts until she's on her paws once more, she wants to find the wolf who bathed her. She pauses at the edge of the soft object she was on as she noticed just how far off the ground she was, she whined softly and backed away. "Here you go little one. You must be hungry." Another voice offered softl, she blinked and lifted her head. One of the male's had risen and was holding a plate out, sniffing it and barking happily at the smell. She sits back on her haunches and waits for it to be placed down, when it is she attacks it with vigor. She doesn't even realize she's absently backed up into something warm until that something chuffs softly and instantly draws her attention away from the food. The person smells like mint and something else, she yips softly and licks her muzzle to clear away the lingering smell of chicken. She doesn't get a response and she flicks her tail in silent acceptance, it was a warning to slow down on eating so fast. She focused back on her plate and ate slower this time, the even breathing of the one that had gently scolded her helping her relax. She didn't even realize when she fell asleep again with her face on the plate. [@SomeoneSomewere]