[@Cuccoruler] Leon gently picked up the spider, resisting the great urge to crush the arachnid for breaking the seal. He let out a low growl of frustration as he placed the spider on the cave's wall. [color=ed1c24][i]"You foolish creature! There are consequences for these kinds of actions!"[/i][/color] He thought silently. ----------------------------------------------------------- For the first time in 30 years, the sun rised along the western hemisphere, bathing the world in a warm, gentle light. This would be the first morning and the first "day" of the new age. Leon faced his sister in his true form, the very one he has hidden from her for her entire life. Rhona exhaled deeply then slowly opened her eyes, blinking slowly a few times as she slowly sat up. It was a few minutes before she realized that she was not only in a cave but she had company as well. " Who... Are you?" She murmered groggily, trying to remember how to speak. [color=ed1c24]"Yer brother."[/color] Leon replied bluntly. "My brother... You realize... that is very hard to believe?" [color=ed1c24]"Yes."[/color] "Do to have a name?" [color=ed1c24]"Yes."[/color] "Well... What is your name?" Leon blushed slightly, embarrassed from his own awkwardness. [color=ed1c24]"Leon."[/color] "Leon....? That sounds awfully close to...." Rhona's eyes stretch wide with sudden realization. "Leo.... Wait you're Leo?! But Leo's..." [color=ed1c24]"A lion? Yeah it's a long story."[/color] He paused. [color=ed1c24]"Look. I understand if ya don't believe me... But please... Let me show you... My proof... That I am your brother. Your twin."[/color] His tone was pleading, yet sincere as he looked into Rhona's eyes. Rhona was hesitant of the sudden news that she not only had a brother but a twin brother, but if he could prove it; she was willing to hear him out. [i]"He doesn't sound like he's lying... I should hear what he has to say..."[/i] She thought as she nodded to him. Leon gently, yet awkwardly, placed his forehead against his sister's. As soon as their foreheads touched, a gentle light emanated throughout the cave. Visions of Leon's past surged between the two. A new feeling erupted inside Rhona, a feeling she had never felt before. She felt whole, in a sense. The feeling was overwhelming, causing tears to flow from her eyes. She smiled laughing slightly as she finally knew that what Leon said was the truth. "My brother... You are my brother... I have a brother..." She cried happily, and laughed slightly. [color=ed1c24]"Yeah."[/color] Leon smiled happily and laughed. The two sat together smiling and laughing together, for what felt like hour as they reminisced about memories together that they didn't even know they had. Leon dropped the barrier that had been placed on the cave, as he lead Rhona outside so that they could finally greet the morning... Together.