WIP [hider=The Reformed Exarchate of Kahrenvel] [center][h2]The Reformed Exarchate of Kahrenvel[/h2] [h3]Fiat justitia, et pereat mundus[/h3] [i][b]Let justice be done, though the world perish[/b][/i][/center] [b]More Commonly Known As:[/b] The Remnant, the Oligarchs, the Aristos [b]Location:[/b] Kadath Star Port [b]Population size:[/b] Several thousand Patricians, several hundred thousand Subjects, innumerable Drones, Servitors and Synthetic Menials [b]History:[/b] As Kahrenvel fell, many fled to the stars. The rich, the influential, the just plain lucky were able to board starships and escape the chaos and madness that consumed the planet. Kahrenvel's plutocratic leaders, those that survived the sudden outbreak of anarchy on the planet, were among those who joined in the mass exodus once it became clear that the situation on the ground was hopeless. Most came to the Kadath Star Port to flee, where the great warships of the Kahrenvel Oligarchy waited to shuttle them to the safety of distant planets. A tide of rogue armies, mutants, and refugees followed them, likewise eager to escape the ravenous mutants, chemical storms and nuclear detonations ravaging the planet. At the First Battle of Kadath, General Valacious Zaaar and his elite Excubitors held off wave after wave of rebel and mutant, allowing the Oligarchs time to escape. Two great cruisers, the [i]Arrogance[/i] and the [i]Ancestral Right[/i] were heavily damaged in the fighting and unable to launch. Zaaar ordered them partially disassembled, and used their heavy guns, void-shielding and armor plating to make a nigh-unbreakable fortress out of the Star Port. And so those nobles and plutocrats who were unable to flee survived, protected by the guns and shields of their stranded ships. The old caste system was quick to reassert itself within the vast confines of the Star Port, with the highborn and augmented Patricians lording over the many thousands of lowborn and small folk- former shipsmates over dockworkers. The denizens of the Star Port reformed the former ruling body of Kahrenvel, the Council of Oligarchs, and named General Zaaar as the planet's new and rightful Exarch, an executive with power over the military. The Council quickly fractured into two parties: those, under Zaaar, who wished to use the fortified Star Port as a base from which to reconquer and reclaim Kahrenvel, and those who prioritized rebuilding their starships and escaping the wreckage of their world. The factions became known as the Rightful Claimants and the Dissociatives respectively, and the nearly two centuries of the Reformed Exarchate has been marked by the political struggle of each faction for dominance in the face of mounting external threats. Among the factions that dominate the ruined world-city, the Reformed Exarchate is one of the most powerful and despised. The Federal Union and SDLPK loath the reactionary and arrogant Oligarchs- who still claim rightful sovereignty over the entire world- nearly as much as they loath each other, and are wary of Zaaar's ambition, ruthlessness, and military prowess. Of the major factions, only the DIT cooperates and trades with the Oligarchs regularly. Within the walls of the Star Port, many of the [i]Arrogance[/i] and [i]Right[/i]'s high technology has been put to good use, with massive hydrofarms providing plentiful food for the populace, and military mass-cloning facilities able to churn out Drones and Servitors to swell the ranks of Zaaar's legions. [hider=A note on Drones: ] The Oligarchs have access to vast mass-cloning facilities which they have maintained since the Collapse. The technology, however, is capable of mass producing only barely sentient soldiers. These "Flatheads", as they are informally called thanks to their sloping brows, can be outfitted with an assortment of weaponry. Upon birth, flatheads have a substantial part of their brain replaced with crude cognition engines programmed with basic obedience imperatives and combat training. Additionally, most Flatheads are heavily augmented with mechanical parts so that they are better suited to carry out their tasks. Batches of Flatheads can be produced to "specialize" in single areas of proficiency (e.g. tank hunters, mine detection, etc). They are often used by the Exarchate army to serve as biological weapons platforms. The Exarchate requires only constituent organic material to produce hundreds of thousands of soldier drones over the course of a year, organic material they ruthlessly harvest from mutant and raider hordes throughout the wasteland. Flatheads can follow simple commands and have basic practical reasoning abilities, but are totally incapable of independent thought or initiative. [/hider] [b]People of Importance:[/b] [hider=Valacious Zaaar] [b]Name:[/b] Valacious Zaaar, Exarch of All Kahrenvel, Leader of the Rightful Claimants [b]Age:[/b] 230 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human, heavily augmented [b]Appearance:[/b] A written description of your character’s physical exterior. Can be combined with a picture, but no anime photos, please. [b]Personality:[/b] Your character’s motivations and mannerisms. How they interact with others. All that good stuff. [b]History:[/b] A reasonably detailed summary of your character’s past up until the start of the game. [/hider] [hider=Augusta Thune] [b]Name:[/b] Augusta Thune, Countess of Sarkomand, Member of the Dissociative Party [b]Age:[/b] 34 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Human, heavily augmented [b]Appearance:[/b] A written description of your character’s physical exterior. [b]Personality:[/b] Your character’s motivations and mannerisms. How they interact with others. All that good stuff. [b]History:[/b] A reasonably detailed summary of your character’s past up until the start of the game. [/hider] [hider=GX-1275] [b]Name:[/b] GX-1275, or "Gex" [b]Age:[/b] 12 [b]Gender:[/b] M [b]Race:[/b] Flathead Drone, modified for general reclamation and combat support [b]Appearance:[/b] A written description of your character’s physical exterior. [b]Personality:[/b] Your character’s motivations and mannerisms. How they interact with others. All that good stuff. [b]History:[/b] A reasonably detailed summary of your character’s past up until the start of the game. [/hider] [/hider]