[url=http://orig10.deviantart.net/d901/f/2013/253/0/c/ladies_he_might_be_the_fastest_man_alive_____by_nebezial-d6lr4zq.jpg]Calvin 'Cal' West[/url] Gender: Male Age: 18 Hero Civilian looks:Tends to wear a t shirt of varying colors, blue jeans, red high top converse, red hoodie and his dog tag He stands at 6 feet tall Costume: A red and yellow costume that reduces friction (even though he doesn't need friction reduced) Powers: -Speed: move, think, and react at high speeds (moves at 250 mph) as well as having superhuman endurance that allows him to run incredible distances. can vibrate so fast that he can pass through walls in a process called quantum tunneling. Has an invisible aura around his body that prevents himself and his clothes from being affected by air friction as he moves at high speed. Has the ability to speed-read at incredible rates and in doing so, process vast amounts of information. Ability to think fast also allows him some immunity to telepathy, as his thoughts operate at a rate too rapid for telepaths. He also has an increased healing factor. Limitations: -If he gets too excited his talking speed increases to the point where it can become just noise -In order to keep up with his energy his metabolism is extremely high. Meaning that much like a hummingbird, he has to consume a lot of food -He can be tripped -While he has increased healing, if a wound is fatal enough he will still die (for example gun shot wound or a knife wound in a fatal location) Skills: Talented with anything scientific, finding that he is adept for forensics and other scientific endeavors. Personality: Ornery with a serious side that can be brought out occasionally. Bio: Calvin was born on a stormy night to a teenage mother with no significant other. Finding herself alone on a mattress in some abandoned house, she decided to give him up and try to make herself better. She abandoned him on the steps of a foster home. All that he has from her is a dog tag with his name and birthday. (He has since updated it to more military style with his blood type) The foster home took him in and raised him, hoping that he would be adopted. Unfortunately, he was never adopted...rather he ended up staying with his foster family. He did extremely well in school getting straight A's and finding science easy for him. His ease with school allowed him to graduate from high school early and get his forensics degree at 17. When he turned 13 he realized that besides his brain he was different. That he was able to run faster. Figuring this out, he began pushing himself, realizing that he could move at light speeds with ease. Well....not exactly ease, he often would trip when he first started running. As he continued on, he got better at it. He applied his speed in secret, until now when he found out about the academy. He has a forensics degree to his name and the will to do great things.