Oof. Always weird to start writing a new character, isn't it? Logically I know it'll get easier and easier until they just flow from the mind to the keyboard to the forum ... but jeez, it's like blood from a stone that very first time. Or is that just me? Haha. [quote=@Lexicon] EDIT: Just out of curiosity, what is everyone's process for writing a post? I tend to just write non-stop, even if it doesn't make sense, before going back and editing the crap out of it. Editing is like my drug, though. I tend to edit constantly. [/quote] Our GM here mentioned he'd been doing this for a decade -- I'm in the same boat (I started RPing in 2003), and my process has pretty much boiled down to this: I usually spend a while thinking about all the notes I need to hit in my post, then I just sit down and work it all out in as close to a single session as I can in as close to final order as I can, allowing for things to change and grow as I write. Usually give one or two quick passes for editing so I don't embarrass myself. I never know exactly how a scene will play out until it's done because sometimes my best laid plans don't bear fruit (or, you know, end up being super crappy prose), but I often have a decent idea of what I want to have happen before I try writing it.