Mitsuki mentally scolded himself. If this Devil's Fruit was what he thought it was, he was overstepping his boundaries. He didn't need this kid to know his connection to the marines. The more that knew, the easier it would be for his father to track him down. He was hoping that the fact that he escaped the Grand Line was already enough to throw him off. That should be impossible. Then again, he did steal a Marine ship. Regardless, he didn't need people knowing his heritage. Much less, someone that is being searched by the military to begin with. The question caught him off guard, but he simply raised an eyebrow calmly. "I'm going to have to decline," he said softly. "I hunt plan to hunt pirates. It may make us foes at some point." He offered a small smile, gesturing to the unconscious men around them. He started to walk forward, heading towards the direction Ryu had come from. "I have one more piece of advice for you. You got involved when he drew that gun, right?" He shouldn't have known that. Unless he was amazingly perceptive, it had been too hectic to see the small flintlock get drawn. "If that's all it takes for you to jump in, you'd do well to stay away from marines all together. There are only small fry here. When nothing is here to challenge you, you tend to abuse your power. You won't like what you see on this island." He had already been privvy to the marines' abuse of power. He knew that would be a sore spot for someone who had jumped in on a fight simply because it was unfair. Ryu would not be able to last against them, but he was almost positive he'd force his involvement.