[b]10:13 AM, 26th of June, 2502 30 minutes earlier......9:43 AM[/b] Casually walking down the dirt road, with a guitar strapped to his back, and a white stetson hat he stole from a thief who tried to rob him a day ago, Benny was nearing the town of Primafrontier to make a little pit stop for a while before he'd get back on the road to continue his travels to make money. This was the usual, make a few heads and move on unless there was trouble and unfortunately, Benny always ran into it everywhere he traveled or stop at. Making a slight dragging of his feet as it partially slid with ever step he took, he passed the sigh the welcomed ones to the town. With a lit spliff hanging from his lips, he slowly walked in through the town, slowly tracing his eyes around his surroundings, checking the buildings, noticing a few bullet holes decorating a few buildings. This was almost the same story in other towns who had the pleasure of meeting outlaws and rejoice over the shootout parties that happens frequently. The question that Benny had was, will he yet again, find himself looking down the barrel of another gun this time around? Time would only tell. Catching what looked to be a saloon, Benny stopped, looking at the place, standing in front of it, blowing smoke out the corner of his mouth and quietly walked to the double swinging doors, looking around in the large room. it was a little lively. Men playing cards, people at the bar, a shady figure or two lurking in the darker areas of the room. Benny walked over to the bar to speak to the bartender to check if they either had ale, lemonade, water, whatever was the cheapest they had as he was given a mug of beer. Benny looking out, pulled out a wad of cash, flipping a few bills, placing them on the bar counter "That should be enough heads there for 5 rounds....old sport...." picking up a mug, walking to the corner of the saloon that was dark, passing a group of four men who was sitting at a table playing poker. The moment Benny sat down, one of the guys at the poker table, who had a real rustic look to him, sporting a bicycle mustache turned to speak to Benny with his rough voice "Hey there stranger....seein that guitar on yer back...you know how to play?" Taking a small gulp of his beer, Benny stared at the table [color=ed1c24]Well...I wouldn't bother carrying it 24/7 if I didn't....[/color] he retorts. The guys as the table gave a little chuckle as the guy who was talking chuckled as well hearing his response "Well then...how about you play a tune for me and the fellas. The piano is good and all but I wanna hear what you got." Benny, who laid his spliff down, picked it back up to take another puff [color=ed1c24]I don't play for free...[/color] The guy looked at the others from what Benny said and looked back at the boy "How much you play fer?" [color=ed1c24]How much you got...[/color] he responded again. The guy went to spit on the spittoon "Boy yer quite a fox..." getting a little annoyed with him after a few moments trying to get him to play a free tune. [b]Now...[/b] There were two young women who was sitting close to the bar as they watched Benny talking to the fellow at the poker table. Seeing that he had a guitar, one of them walked over, she had red hair and a little freckles but her body was nicely shaped "hey hun....I was wonderin....if you didn't mind playin a tune for me and my friend over there." as she motioned for Benny to look at the other woman with black hair who was at the table. [color=ed1c24]I don't play for free....[/color] The girl looked on and averted her eyes "darn...I was hopin that you'd be a sweetheart and make just one exception..." she said lifting the side of her dress enough as he placed her leg on the chair, revealing her leg up the thigh enough to catch the sight of the black lace garter she was wearing. at that moment, Benny's eyes widen and the guitar was brought up as he started to play. [color=ed1c24]Nothing wrong with a little tune...[/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEUKtnIihkk]Spanish ladies[/url] While playing, the poker guy who was asking him to play earlier was obviously pissed that he'd do the favor for the girls and not him like he asked. The man stood as if he was ready to make a scene.